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East continent of Thul

Welcome to Thul! Thul is named after it's ruler, Thomual Sapienta. This is a picture of me and My favorite female, Lisa! To the left in the siloete is my twin brother Mike, and to the right in the siloete is her twin sister Christine. TomandLisa.bmp C:\My Documents\My Pictures C:\My Documents\My Pictures/TomandLisa.bpm-paint My real name is Thomas Meiners or just Tom. so the picture is of Mike, Tom, Lisa, and Chris. Also, if you don't see the picture, then that means that I didn't upload correctly. Don't worry, it will be up soon because rob is teaching me html. In the mean time, why don't you play some blackjack. Have fun!


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About this page

  • I am very new at this
  • Nuven Robert rules!
  • Fun

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