Tales of a Muse...

Within these pages you will find..

Welcome to my homepage!!

My name is Muse, and I have been told repeatedly by friends that I needed to make a page for my writings. This is my first attempt at web page publishing, so please, bear with me! Let me state up front, that many of the writings you will find here are in reference to the Dominant/submissive lifestyle. So if you are under the age of 18, or offended by alternative lifestyles, please click the back button on your web browser and look elsewhere. You will not find anything here that is blatantly sexual, so if you are looking for a "quick turn on" you have come to the wrong place.

A Bit about me....

I am a slave. This is the lifestyle I have chosen to live with my Master. I have been activly in this lifestyle for over 7 years. My initial foray into the world of D/s and bdsm came when I was 19 years old and attended my first D/s discussion meeting, also known as a munch. Since then, I have served one Master long term, for four years, and bottomed to a few well trusted Dominants.

I now serve a new Master, one who is worthy of owning a slave. He has earned my love and respect, through his actions, and his treatment of me. I came on line about 4 years ago, at the recomendation of a friend.

Things have certainly changed a great deal since then, and we have entered into a whole new world of ways to meet others that are like minded, and an excellent and rapid medium to share information about what it is that we do.

On AOL, the internet service I belong to, I am known as DragynMuse, ALvingMuse, MuseMagyc and His Musey. My Master also has several ID's on that service, but for the purpose of this page, I will simply refer to him as Master.

Ready to run yet? Before you judge, please, read on and perhaps learn about who and what I am, and about others involved in this wonderful life style.

Coming soon: Both D/s related erotica I have written, as well as a section for poetry and stories written by friends of mine. Stop back often to see what changes occur. I hope that you enjoy what I have written!!

This page is dedicated, with love and respect to the following people....

First and foremost to my Master.... all my love to you Sir...I am proud to be your slave.. and love the journey we are on together... Thank You my Master.. To my two best friends, JP and Drew... always you will own a part of this slave.. for you both created me.... Thank you my Loves.. To Taro and Lash... your friendship and love is something I dont ever want to live without...Thank you my Sirs... To my Brothers... thank you for showing me what I was, and what I needed... I love you both... To my AOL family.. Sisters and Sirs alike... (only time you're going to get that out of me LOL) Thank you all for standing beside me, always...

Let me know what you think of my page:

Muse Pages Links

This Slave's Philosophy
This Slave's Prayer
A Tale of the Muse
Poetry Corner
Muse Pages Link Library
Muse Pages Link Library Cont.

Email: dragynmuse@aol.com