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What's happening at ?

Newbie FAQ
The full FAQ
The Glossary

Hi and welcome to the public face of, where our mission is to inform the internet community of what is currently going on in our world and how the browser is being developed.
If you are new here, then it would help you greatly if you read the Newbie FAQ. The full FAQ is for those who need more advanced help with coding or other problems they might encounter. If there is something that we haven't covered, that you'd like help with, feel free to post your question.
You are of course welcome to participate in our discussions at the newsgroup / mailing list. Lastly don't forget to check out our main website for some important developer resources.

About Us : Mozilla for Java
Java Home
August Associates

The Mozilla for Java project as we used to call ourselves, started around early April 98, just after the Mozilla code was released. Our mission is to re-write the entire C/C++ code in Mozilla to Java, creating a browser not only easily portable to different platforms, but also demonstrating to the web community the increasing power of this language. Only time will tell whether this browser turns into something more...
Originally, the intention was to call ourselves Javazilla, but that was soon dropped due to Sun Microsystems' trademarks on the word 'Java'. The name of the project was finally sealed when August Associates reserved the domain and kindly let us use for free. The newsgroup and mailing list is kindly provided by the people, an arm of Netscape Communications Corp.. More info about us can be found at the Newbie FAQ.

Project Status

The Jazilla project has sub-modules so its easy for efforts to be concentrated in specialised areas. Its also make it easier for new members to track the status of the whole project. Most projects/modules here have group leaders mainly so work is easily organised and you can refer to him/her if you want to contribute.

The latest news on the Jazilla street is that the Web server and the CVS (which is now on version 1.9.29) have been updated by Al and people should experince less problems then they did earlier. He's also working on expanding the web server to include job (a task control system "so we can organise what needs doing) and a bug (for which he's looking at setting up Jitterbug) control systems. Watch this space !

Public Announcements
Jazilla Button
Current Button
Mailing Button

In the news
InfoWorld Article
TechWeb Article article
TechWeb Article

Coding is all very well but if the people out there in the jungle of the web don't know that such promising work is taking place here then its kinda wasted huh ? If you want to help with the marketing drive, the first thing to do would be to read the Newbie FAQ. After that, any suggestions or help would be welcome in our newsgroup. If on the other hand you want to write about us in your publication, we have tried to provide most of the basic information. If you want to know more we would be delighted to answer any other questions posted to the newsgroup.

The Jazilla Button Contest is also underway. The team is looking for a nice little icon to signify the word 'Jazilla' and if you think you can do it, why not work on it and let us know ? All submissions will be displayed until we pick the cream of the crop and then you get the enviable recognition of being the person who's icon is displayed on websites all over the world ! But please remember that the newsgroup won't appreciate people posting huge image files by email. If its under 3kb then its acceptable, otherwise just link it and we'll do the rest. Or you could send it to our temporary mail address.

Jazilla has also been in the news a few times. Most of the coverage relates to when Netscape dropped the Javagator project, and it might seem a bit negative from the point of view of developing a Java based browser. So why are we still working on the browser ? The Newbie FAQ should be able to help you. Listed on the left are articles where our work has been mentioned on the web. If you've spotted any sites on the web who mention us, don't forget to drop us a line and we'll link it from here.