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Nice Picture Huh?

First of all, thank you for visiting my webpage. This is my first attempt at a webpage, so I hope you like it. Feel free to email me and tell me what you think of it.

    Hey there people. It's been a long time since I've updated my page at all. I guess I didn't really have it high on my priority list. Anyway now I figure after a couple of years I should finally get around to fixing things. Right now I am currently on a mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. In the Church we can volunteer to go out to a place of the Church's choosing and preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ for 2 years. Members of the Church are not compelled to go, it's a choice that they are free to make or not to make on their own. I am so greatful for this opportunity. This has been the best decision of my life.

    Just as a side note, don't expect this page to get updated anytime soon. I still have 7 1/2 months left to go on my mission, so not much is going to change for me in the near future. Mission life is relatively the same from day to day.

    One other note: I am updating this page on September 14, 2001. As you all know (unless you've been living in a hole for a while) on September 11, 2001 the United States was the victim of an awful terrorist attack. The people who committed this act as well as the people who planned and supported it have denied God and all that is good and right in the world. The first commandment to Adam and Eve was to mulitply and replenish the earth. Cain was condemned for murdering Able. Whether Christian or Muslim or Jewish - you believe these things. It is the case, therefore, that a person who supports this type of behavior is acting against the Will of God and has openly and knowingly fought against all that He has commanded. I hope and pray that comfort can come to all of those affected by this tragedy. I know for myself that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is true, and that this life is so short compared to our infinite existence. As an ancient prophet said, "This life is the time for men to prepare to meet God." I know this is true. I know that God loves us so much - more than we can comprehend - and that no matter what we suffer in this life, Jesus Christ has decended below it all. He knows what we go through, and is the only One who can truly succor us. I know that His true gospel is found in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and that "he that shall seek, shall find."

    Here are a bunch of links to really cool pages! The first is a my friend's page. He goes to CU and has an excellent web page. We lived in Pueblo, Colorado (Go Pueblo! hehe) and it's actually a pretty nice place to live. I didn't use to think so, but I have realized that Pueblo is a great place. Weird huh? Anyway.. here are the good links :)

    Also there is a very funny AVI movie available for download. I suggest right clicking on it and choosing Save Link As if you are using Netscape or Save Target As if you are using Internet Explorer. Save the file to any folder you wish and run it with an AVI player. If you don't have an AVI player, you can get one here (left click this time). It is about 1.5mb and shouldn't take more than 8-10 minutes do download at 56k speeds.

I have updated my picture page!! Here is a link to it!
