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Welcome to the
Leong Family Tree

The information contained within the various pages, is as accurate as is feasibly possible.There are various links containing information on various items.


This site contains the on-going project to map our complete family tree. Visitors are welcome to browse through the information available.

We are also researching the origin of the surname as well as the Liang Family History. Our information is gathered from many, many sources and we would like to thank all who have contributed and helped us in our research.

Please do contact us if you like our site or have any information to share with us. We would love to hear from you.

Click here for a special flash presentation on the Liang Surname!! .
Please be patient as the file is quite large. The file as well as its links may take some time to load.

Started on the 4th of February 1998
Website Designed and Maintained by WebImage International
Copyright 2001 WebImage International All Rights Reserved

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