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A special thanks goes out to Lizz for the above collage. She is the owner of a group called SigsbyLizz and is also a member of the SigsbyLvnJr8 group. I appreciate the neverending patience Lizz and LvnJr8 had with me when I was learning Paint Shop Pro, as well as Terri4Tony. I could have never gotten the hang of it without the 3 of you. They say all good things come in 3's and you ladies are a testament to that. Thanks for everything my dear friends.

*******MAY YOU REST IN PEACE*******

Thanks go to Vannah for the beautiful collage. My friends never cease to amaze me with their creativity and dedication to keeping alive our love for the "Man In Black"

*******APRIL 29, 1951 - FEBRUARY 18, 2001*******

The above sig was also made by myself. It was part of a contest called Gates To Heaven
and this was my interpretation of what it meant to me.

The above graphic was made by myself, thanks to help from the ladies mentioned above.

We know that you are now with all of the other great drivers, old friends and family, especially your father, who have gone before you. They will be happy to see you, and we will be sad that you are gone from our lives here on earth. We know you have gone to a far better place and you will remain in our hearts forever.

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