This chapter is the English translation of Gujarati Book Title - Sadhak and Sathi Author - Shri Atmanandji (Dr. Soneji) CHAPTER-16 COMPANY OF NOBLES (SAT-SAMAGAMA) In general, Company of Nobles (Sat-samagama) means association with the noble persons, religious scriptures and like. The purpose of such association is to improve ourselves, to make good of our present life and to attain to eternal happiness through self-realization. Association with persons of like temperament and aims with pious intention, hearing of the sermons of saints who inspire righteousness and liberation, and like are also Sat-samagama. Satsamagama at its best is, living constantly at the feet of the enlightened saints and striving for spiritual advancement. In the first stage, the Sadhaka will spare an hour or two, or two days in a week, for the spiritual practice (Sadhana) of Satsamagama. For those who have greater ardor for spiritual advancement, daily association with saintly persons is necessary. A common person can benefit greatly in the daily routine of his life, if he follows the following method of Satsamagama. At well planned periodical intervals, one should resort to intensive Satsamagama. For this purpose, one should stay in some secluded place (Ashram) and remain in obedience to an enlightened noble preceptor. Various schedules of spiritual practice (Sadhana) which lead to self realization are available there from early morning to late night. One has to take part in these various Sadhana schedules according to one's capacity and aptitude. With a concentrated mind, one should actively participate in reflection about the nature of substances, practice of silence, devotion to the Lord, sessions of meditation, sessions of questions and answers and similar dialogues, praising and reciting the glory of Lord, reading, writing, remembering, and listening to scriptures. By these various means, one progresses on the path of Sadhana. PROCESS OF SATSAMAGAMA: 1. Let one decide once for all that "I desire to progress on the path of self realization." 2. One should proceed to Satsamagama, leaving behind himself, the pride of knowledge, wealth, power, austerity, renunciation and the rest. 3. Taking simple and proper food, observing the rule of not to involve in unnecessary talk, and remain contented in whatever facilities are available for practice. 4. Let there be a really friendly and compromising attitude towards one and all. Let behavior towards the saints and virtuous be exceedingly noble and devotional and let there be an abandonment of futile criticism, jealousy, controversial debates - all these practices are beneficial in Satsamaqama. 5. The type of discipline that is absolutely necessary involves limited sleep, food and purposeful conversation with others, regular presence at religious discourses and study-sessions, taking notes during self-study and giving these to the more learned for correction, and joining in mass-prayers and devotional songs. 6. Individually passing a specific time in worship, silent scriptural study, reciting and memorizing the songs of detachment, study of Reality, and a secluded and peaceful place are all necessary and beneficial to advanced aspirant. GLORY OF COMPANY OF NOBLES: Satsamagama reigns supreme among all the means of spiritual disciplines. Undoubtedly it has got the capacity to bestow not only the ordinary happiness, but even the highest spiritual state. No one has words enough to extol its full glory. Still we humbly follow the highly enlightened ones in describing briefly its immense glory in a few words: 1. Obedient association with noble people even for a short while will help to cross over the ocean of mundane existence. 2. It is the root of all happiness. The resulting benefit of Satsanga can certainly bestow the desired attainment. It is the best means to lead pious life. 3. We should have a strong conviction that Satsamagama as the means is par excellence for attaining liberation and all other means are subordinate to this. If one follows it with unflinching care and devotion, in no time, false attachments are destroyed and the soul becomes free from all blemishes or bondages. 4. Satsamagama quenches the thirst of the mind, and brings an end to pride. It takes away all sorrows, enhances spiritual wealth, and yields true fruits of dissipation of all sorrows. LIVING EXAMPLES OF COMPANY OF NOBLES: (1) Shree Lalluji was a Jain monk and a disciple of Shrimad Rajchandra. He spent the four months of the rainy season in Poona at the residence of Shree Manekji Vardhamana during 1924. At that time, many aspirants used to visit him. Among them was Shree Amarchand Nahata, a householder disciple of Shri Lalluji Swami. He was a landlord from Bengal who moved to Agas Ashram for spiritual guidance. Shree Hiralal Jhaveri, a friend of Shree Nahata visited him. He was a jeweller in Paris. As it was time for the devotion and Satsamagam Shree Nahata told Shree Hiralal, "I am going for Satsamagam. Please wait here for a while." Shree Hiralal commented, "Why such devotion and Satsamagam? Only the poor people do devotion and Satsamagama." Shree Nahata, "No, no! This is a unique Satsamagama! Come with me and you will feel delighted by it." Shree Hiralal, "I can go with you on one condition. I do not bow down before monks and saints." Shree Nahata, "Separate seating arrangements will be possible for you so that you do not have to bow down before monks. Please come with me, you will feel happy." Shree Hiralal agreed to come. The program of mass prayer, spiritual songs and Mantras lasted for three hours. All were fully engrossed. Shree Hiralal was deeply influenced by the pious composure of Shri Lalluji Swami, his engrossment in and enthusiasm and devotion. He too fell at his feet in utter devotion. This is the reward of Satsamagama. (2) Shree Haridas was a deciple of a Hindu monk Shree Chaitanya of the fifteenth century in the state of Bihar, India. Shree Chaitanya was a great devotee of Lord Shree Krishna Bhagawan and became a national figure by his intense devotion and pure life. Shree Haridas used to go in a jungle at night for greater spiritual practice (Sadhana) of devotion. A man, Ramkhan by name, sent a prostitute in a jungle to his hut to divert his mind from devotion. All the while, Haridas went on with his singing of devotional songs and the woman waited in vain to disturb his concentration. However the devotion continued for the whole night. Two days passed away in this way. On the third day, the woman lost all courage and fell at his feet. The life of that woman was converted by three nights of devotion. Her best virtues revealed themselves and she became a nun. She got a place among the best Satsangis of Chaitanya. Now people gathered to see her as a pious nun because she was no more a fallen woman. Thus she had become pious by Satsamagama. (3) Shree Jnaneshvara Maharaj was a great saint of Maharashtra. Right from childhood, he was very intelligent. This may be due to the psychic influen