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1egypbar.jpg (6375 bytes)

Interface Design

These are interfaces I've made in the past. I've posted these here to display what I can create. If you see a FOR SALE sign, that means that the interface can be bought :)

Buy me NOW!!! :) :) :)

FOR SALE- New interface, a very dark macabre style with 8 buttons. This one is perfect for a Quake site! E-MAIL me for a price quote

Buy Me!

FOR SALE- New interface, a dark macabre style with 8 buttons. E-MAIL me for a price quote.

dunnoprev.JPG (37732 bytes)

topbar3.JPG (9962 bytes)

topbar3V2.JPG (7420 bytes)

preview.JPG (16007 bytes)

FOR SALEE-MAIL me for a price quote.

FOR SALEE-MAIL me for a price quote.

FOR SALEE-MAIL me for a price quote.

2egypbar.jpg (6330 bytes)