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Music Videos

Right Click on the pic and click on "Save Target As" to begin the download

Remember you need an mpeg player. If you don't have one you can download Microsoft's Media Player.

In every movie and show the rule is: You have to be on the hero's side, but you can't help but love the enemy, and what better enemy to use than the four horsemen. The Horsemen were truly the best enemies ever presented in Highlander, not including Kurgan that is, well maybe if Kronos gets a scar like his, but it looks like it's a little to late, but it's never too late to make a great music video about him and his fellow horsemen. So that's what we did, surprised!? Hope you enjoy the vid.

Once again we would like to thank WarAngel for supplying us with the memory needed to make this download possible, so please visit his site, WarAngel's highlander Web Site

Oh Ya! If you have any suggestins for music and themes for other music videos E-mail us at:


By the way, if any one has a video capturing device and is willing to help out in making the videos please E-mail us at the links listed above. Thanks.