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Bob Burns O.J.
President Rapist?


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This is 'The Story.'

"The children of this country can learn in a profound way that integrity is important and selfishness is wrong, but God can change us and make us strong at the broken places. I want to embody those lessons for the children of this country -- for that little boy in Florida who came up to me and said that he wanted to grow up and be President and to be just like me. I want the parents of all the children in America to be able to say that to their children. " - Bill Clinton

The New York Times has the entire 436 page report by Independent Counsil Ken Starr.

Starr's Grounds for Impeachment

Filed at 2:25 p.m. EDT, Friday September 11, 1998
By The Associated Press

The report by Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr alleged 11 acts by President Clinton that "may constitute grounds for an impeachment":

  • Clinton lied under oath in the Paula Jones sexual harassment case about his sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky;

  • Lied under oath to the grand jury about his sexual relationship with Ms. Lewinsky;

  • Lied under oath during the Jones deposition when he stated he could not recall being alone with Ms. Lewinsky and minimized the number of gifts they had exchanged;

  • Lied under oath in his civil deposition concerning conversations with Ms. Lewinsky about her involvement in the Jones case;

  • Tried to obstruct justice by ``engaging in a pattern of activity to conceal evidence'' regarding his relationship with Ms. Lewinsky from the judicial process in the Jones case;

  • Came to an understanding with Ms. Lewinsky that they would lie under oath in the Jones case about their relationship and tried to obstruct justice by suggesting that Ms. Lewinsky file an affidavit so that ``she would not be deposed, she would not contradict his testimony and he could attempt to avoid questions about Ms. Lewinsky at the deposition'';

  • Tried to obstruct justice by helping Ms. Lewinsky obtain a job in New York at a time when she would have been a witness against him were she to tell the truth.

  • Lied under oath in describing his conversation with Vernon Jordan about Ms. Lewinsky;

  • Tried to obstruct justice by attempting to influence the testimony of his Oval Office secretary, Betty Currie;

  • Tried to obstruct justice by refusing to testify for seven months while simultaneously lying to potential grand jury witnesses, knowing they would relay the falsehoods to the grand jury;

  • Committed acts since Jan. 17, 1998, regarding his relationship with Ms. Lewinsky that were ``inconsistent with the president's constitutional duty to faithfully execute the laws.''