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Guild of Lake Superior

The Shadow Knights of Lake Superior

The Shadow Knights have made their home in the world of Ultima Online for many years. Residing on the Lake Superior shard, they have accumulated all the wealth and land they need to survive, independently of the rest of the world.

The driving force behind The Shadow Knights remains purely materialistic. Descending on dungeons and combat hot-spots around the world, they dismember their victims and pillage the corpses for anything of value. Only when their coffers are full do The Shadow Knights escape to one of their many strongholds. Rumors tell of unimaginable hordes, laced with the bones of unfortunate souls who have attempted to secure a portion as their own.

While obeying the destructive forces of evil, The Shadow Knights have forged alliances with several craftsmen. In a cruel twist of irony, skilled hands create tools that will ultimately be used to destroy. However, the alliance is not without reason. As a direct result The Shadow Knights are able to stay fully equiped, and remain efficient killers.

The Shadow Knights of Lake Superior are *not* a PvP guild. While they adventure in both facets of Sosaria, their primary goal is to gather material wealth, and maybe have some fun along the way.

E-mail the Shadow Knights
ORIGIN - Ultima Online
Ultima Online Stratics
Crossroads of Britannia - Ultima Online Warcry