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spillwelcome to my page. either you travelled here by choice because you know me and wanted to get me to shut up about this page, or you have been referred here by someone who knows me and recommended it to you. if you like the page, great. if you don't, too bad. i'm not trying to please anyone but myself by doing this.

this page is best viewed with netscape for pc!

join the fight to keep government out of your private life!

libertarian party

advocates for self government

all about me!

my story
my profile

the music corner

program notes
my (not yet complete) collection of cd's
irrelevant sax stuff

the poetry corner

plagiarism is fun!
poetry tag!

other fun places

the quote board
my favorite things

bad influences

some lame page
a horny site
the center snare center
haunting poetry

these pages do not necessarily reflect my opinions or beliefs, so gripe at the owners if they say something that offends you...

vandalize my guestbook!

examine others' graffitotags!

let me know what you think!

link me to your page using my spiffy banner!

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i have shared my idiocrity with this many people!