Worthy of Olympus Award

Is your site worthy of the home of the gods? If it fits the following criteria, why not submit it and find out?:

1. It is dedicated to Hercules, Xena, Young Hercules, to one of the Characters/Actors of those shows, or to Mythology.
2. It is more than just a few pictures and links (and all of the pictures & links are viewable and functioning)
3. Shows creativity and work.
4. You update it at least semi-regularly. Basically I want to know that you care about your site.
5. Although not necessary, a link back to my site, Caroline's Hercules Page, is always a plus.

If your site fits all of the above criteria, please e-mail me the address and name of your page, your e-mail address and name, and a sentence or so explaining what makes your site the great place that it is. If your site wins I will notify you by e-mail. greekbard@usa.net


Let me just say that you are all winners, and even if you don't win right now, maybe you will later!...I have a really hard time deciding, and everyone who has submitted so far has had a really great site! If I don't get back to you right away, I'm probably busy. Feel free to re-submit your site after a week or so if I don't get back to you. I sometimes get distracted and forgetful! ;-P

The award looks something like this:

| Main Page | What's New? | New Greeceland | Production Info | Young Hercules |
| Fun & Games | Graphics & Images | Links | Miscellaneous | About Me | Site Map |