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Frost's Chess Page

Introduction to Chess

A brief introduction on the history of chess.

Chess Openings

Basic lists of chess openings.

Recorded Games

Many different recorded games played.

Chess Exercises

Diagramed Chess Exercises.

Interesting Links

Links to other great chess sites. Some business and some personal.

Welcome to Frost's Web Page on Chess. I'm still updating and probably will be for a long time. This web page is maintained by only one person and that is me. I have a lot of time on my hands. I live in Denver, Colorado and have a very keen interest in Chess. I also do custom web pages, so if you like what you see please let me know. If you want to play online chess on the internet then I recommend the internet gaming zone which is under my links section. Its free and you get a wide variety of different friendly players. If you want to play a game sometime then let me know.

For questions and comments email:

Jack Frost

Last Updated: 1.22.99