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Hi Zepheads!!

This is a Site about the legendary Australian Tour Led Zeppelin did in 1972. Here you can find several pictures, a Robert Plant iterview, some sound extracts from the "Australian Tour Bootlegs" and last but not least many Zep related links.
Led Zeppelin had achieved many memorable concert performances throughout their career, but there are few concerts that come close to the historic Tour of Australia in February 1972. Starting the tour off in Perth there were wild crowd scenes at the concert followed by a police drug raid on the bands hotel the next day. In Melbourne a group of professional gatecrashers decided they wanted to see the mighty Zep.....who cares if they didn't have tickets! They must have known this was the only chance of seeing the band in Australia. In Sydney a record breaking crowd welcomed Led Zeppelin in true Australian style. For the occasion Jimmy gave them snatches of the Rover which is the earliest known performance of this track.

1972 Australian Tour Dates:

  • PERTH, Subiaco Oval (Wednesday Feb 16)
  • ADELAIDE, Memorial Drive (Friday Feb 18)
  • MELBOURNE, Kooyong Tennis Courts (Sunday Feb 20)
  • SYDNEY, Showgrounds (Sunday Feb 27)
  • BRISBANE, Festival Hall (Tuesday Feb 29)
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