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By Maeve

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What was the language of the planets and stars
when you took your first breath?

Find out their song for you and you alone. The Karmic Blueprint of your life, a valuable map for self revelations holding the keys to your hidden talents, potentials and challenges.

Specializing in

star Natal Charts - your natal chart is as unique as you. There are no two
snowflakes alike, there are no two natal charts alike. For you and you alone,
your chart is the map and Karmic Blueprint that fits your souls journey
through this plane. Learn the keys to your hidden talents, potentials and
challenges. Astrology is not fatalistic! You are the captian of your destiny!
Paddle your canoe with the light of your star chart to travel the cosmic
currents. $50
star Compatiblity Charts - Is this my soulmate or another bad love?
With astonishing accuracy, astrology reveals all the levels of cosmic
energy you share with another person.  I can actually interpet how long
a relationship will last (Saturn), how fortunate (Jupiter), how mentally
enriching (Mercury), how emotionally stable and comfortable (Moon),
Is this true love? (Venus & Moon). $50
star Forecast - See what the next year has in store for you. $50

“I have had the honor of having my chart done by the personal Astrologers of several gurus throughout the world, but it was Maeve’s interpretation that clearly showed me the true meaning and purpose of my life’s past, present, and future. She has been given the gift of intuition and interpretation of this scientific process.”
Sheri B., writer-producer, Beverly Hills.

My approach is THEISTIC and

I use the same dimensions authentic Astrologers use as well as a very revealing, powerful dimension few avail. I have 18 years experience and cross-country
clientele. These are not computer generated reports, I do personal analysis, guarenteed.


Follow Your Star Astrology
PO BOX 908

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