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WATER - a Project done by Sep Vrba and Calvin Kunneke


Water is the most common substance on Earth. As a matter of fact, the earth is covered in 70% water. It fills the oceans, rivers, and lakes, and is in the ground and in the air we breathe. Water is everywhere and is a basic human right. All organisms are dependant on water, in fact every living creature must have access to water or else it would die. Water helps the earths surface from getting too hot or too cold.

Throughout history water has been mans great master and great slave. Nations and civilizations have risen where water was prominent and have failed when the water dried up. People have killed one another for a muddy water hole in desperation. Water is life and all life consists of water. In this project we will be venturing into the great world of water, covering as many aspects as possible and discussing them in detail from the composition and chemistry to water contamination in the South African region - (click on -ENTER OUR PROJECT- to enter our project)


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