Patrick Warburton

"Hey Dewdrop, can I have a word? Just so we can be straight. I'm the professional celebrity guard here, my resume lists Julia Roberts, Salman Rushdie, and Posh Spice. You are the Hollywood hanger on-er, cause you're just no good as a cop anymore. Your resume reads like the obituaries."

--- Steven Stone

PATRICK WARBURTON is Steven Stone, a celebrity security expert hired by actress Jennifer Jolie (Parker Posey) for her protection when a series of murders start to haunt the set of "Stab 3: Return to Woodsboro."

Warburton is best known to television audiences as Elaine's (Julia Louis-Dreyfuss) boyfriend David Puddy on the comedy series "Seinfeld." He currently provides the voice of Buzz Lightyear on the series "The Adventures of Buzz Lightyear." His other notable television credits include guest-starring roles on "Ellen," "Mad About You" and "Northern Exposure."

On film, Warburton has been featured on "Scorchers" and "American Strays." His upcoming films include "The Woman Chaser" and the lead role in "Camouflage."

Warburton was born on November 16, 1964 in Patterson, New Jersey.

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