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So right now i'm in the process of fixing this page up a bit, bear with me...and trying to solicit some info on potential future fests.

This is the first unofficial total Canadian edgefest site (note it is CANADIAN EDGEFEST, not the states). I made it because Bruce and Daniel (I Mother Earth) at Edgefest 1997, saskatoonthere is always so much confusion over the actual bands and dates at edgefest. This way, you can get accurate concert info to make your plans around. Missed a 'fest? Loved a 'fest? Check out the edgearchives, info about past edgefests.

I've got a whole bunch of pre-97 info that i need to get up, so it'll be coming. Thanks to everyone who helped me out!

Under each year section, you'll find goodies like info about the bands, dates, reviews, and net media for that year. There'll also be links to the radio stations promoting edgefest.

For anyone who's wondering WHAT THE HELL IS EDGEFEST?, it's a Canadian music festival that started in Ontario and has now grown to tour across western and central Canada with tons more bands. The music is mostly alternative / rock and the bands are primarily Canadian (so far...).

saskatoon edgefest 1997
Saskatoon Edgefest 1997

Some links you might find useful:
Edgefest: From the Pits A wicked edgefest-lover's site.
The official EDGEfest site, seems to no longer be working...
Ticketmaster Canada, for all your ticketing needs

This page was last updated on Sunday, March 24, 2002.

my other (somewhat outdated but still interesting) web pages include:

My Personal Homepage, all about me
i thrive on your information, so give it to me baby!!
EdgeFest, EDGEfest, Edge Fest, Edgefest 97, Edgefest 98, Edgefest 99, Edgefest Canada