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The Budget System

With $10,000, anyone could build a super fast computer. But not everyone has that much in their pockets. This section deals this price vs. performance hardware combinations. The components here are just recommendations. I am not affiliated with any manufacturer. If anyone has any suggestions, feel free to email me.

Processor Cyrix 6x86MX PR2/200MHz
Heat Sink Normal Heat Sink with AAVID Fan
Motherboard FIC PA-2007 VIA Apollo VP2
Video Card Diamond Stealth 2000 3D 2Mb EDO DRAM
Monitor Sony 15" SFII Trinitron Monitor
Hardisk IBM Deskstar 3.2Gb EIDE
Sound Card ESS 16bit 3D Sound
CD-ROM Optics Storage 16x Max CD-ROM
Mouse Logitech 1st Mouse
Modem US Sportster 56K Modem
Casing Medium AT Tower Casing

The Rational Behind The Selection

  • Processor

    The Cyrix 6x86MX has the highest integer performance of all the Pentium class processors and yet has the lowest price. Unless you are using Adobe Photoshop and Corel Draw which require a robust FPU, this is the best processor to go for. What's more is that it has MMX and goes only for about two hundred bucks.

  • Heat Sink

    Not much heat is generated by the Cyrix 6x86MX, but for a couple of dollars more, go for an AAVID fan since it lasts longer.

  • Motherboard

    Shouldn't stinge too much here for the sake of future upgradability. The PA 2007 has good features and performance but costs less than the Asustek TX97.

  • Video Card

    The Stealth 2000 3D has won many awards in the past year. Now that it is soon to be replaced by the 2000 Pro which isn't that much faster, it's quite cheap.

  • Hardisk

    The biggest performance bottleneck in the computer. Although the Quantum Bigfoot is cheaper, the performance hit doesn't justify saving the few dollars.

  • Sound Card

    The ESS costs only a fifth of the AWE64. Although sonically inferior, it is difficult to hear any difference unless good speakers are used. Most laptops use an ESS for their sound system.


    Why go for the 32x CD-ROMs when there is no software that won't run well on a 4x? Moreover, some of the poorer quality CDs have problems when used with high speed drives.

  • Modem

    Buying a fast modem will save more on phone bills and ISP charges. No point getting an ISDN modem however, because the ISDN line's lease is higher.

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    All content on this web page and its related pages is copyright © 1996-97 by Duane Bong.

    Last modified on September 17, 1997