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Glossary Of Terms

ActiveX A set of programming tools from Microsoft.
ADSL Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line. A way of transmitting digital data at high speeds over copper phone lines.
AGP Accelerated Graphics Port. A bus specification for graphics cards.
AWE Advance Wave Effects.
BEDO Burst Extended Data Output. A type of dynamic memory.
Benchmark A reference number by which something can be measured.
BIOS Basic Input Output System. The program used to get information about a system's settings when turned on.
Bus A transmission path for information.
Cache A place used to store and retrieve temporary information at high speeds.
CAS Column Address Strobe.
CDROM Compact Disk Read Only Memory.
CPU Central Processing Unit. The chip that drives the computer.
DIMM Dual In line Memory Module. A 64bit circuit board containing one or several RAM chips.
DVD Digital Video Disk.
EDO Extended Data Output. A type of dynamic memory.
EIDE Enhanced Integrated Drive Electronics. See IDE for more details.
FPU Floating Point Unit. The numeric coprocessor.
FTP File Transfer Protocol. The way files are sent and received from a server.
Hardisk A device that stores and retrieves large amounts of data.
HTML Hypertext Markup Language. A set of codes inserted in a file used for display on a Web browser.
IDE Integrated Drive Electronics. A standard electronic interface between the computer and the mass storage devices.
ISP Internet Service Provider. Provides access to the Internet.
Java A programming language more powerful than HTML for the Internet.
JPEG Joint Picture Experts Group. A graphic image created by choosing from a range of compression qualities.
MPEG Motion Picture Experts Group.
PCI Peripheral Component Interconnect. An interface between the computer and the expansion slots.
PnP Plug And Play.
Processor Same meaning as CPU. The chip that drives the computer.
RAM Random Access Memory.
RAS Row Address Strobe.
RISC Reduced Instruction Set Computer.
ROM Read Only Memory.
SDRAM Synchronous Dynamic Ramdom Access Memory.
SIMM Single In line Memory Module. A 32bit circuit board containing one or several RAM chips.
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol. A protocol for email transmission.
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol.
UART A chip that controls a computer's interface to its serial devices.
USB Universal Serial Bus. An interface between a computer and add-on devices.
VESA Video Electronics Standard Association.
VLB Video Electronics Standard Association Local Bus. An interface between the computer and the expansion slots.
Winbench A programme used to benchmark computers based on real world applications.
WORM Write Once Read Many.
ZIP A compression method that will store data using less space.

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Last modified on September 17, 1997