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Hello and welcome back.

I'm not sure exactly how to start, but one thing is for sure; this is new music. The midi you are hearing now is a beautiful piano piece called Ami. It is from Final Fantasy 8, my all time favorite game. I'm not sure why, but tonight, I'm all choked up. Music does that to people sometimes. I think music is truly amazing. It can have such an interesting effect on us. When we are happy, it can proclaim our joy. When we are sad, it can sympathize with us. Music is can also inspire us. But most importantly, music is emotion. It's more than just a hobby or a form of art. There is something special about music. There is not a time or place in life where music does not fit in.

At least, that's what it means to me.

I was a 5th grader when I started this web page. It came to be when Laurel showed me her webpage. Of course I was amazed, and wanted one too. So she helped me get started. It has been four years since then. This webpage has not ever been my first priority, or a lasting committment, but it has been here. It's been waiting here for me to rediscover it each year. Waiting for me to finish it.

I will never finish it. But I will never abandon it.

This webpage has changed numerous times over the years. I have changed as well. But change is good. The kanji for change is a combination of the kanji for for danger and the kanji for opportunity. Such is life. Change brings both danger and opportunity. We can only hope for the best.

I have grown so much since I started this page. I have grown and changed so much. But I'm writing this right now with the very same fingers that made this page so long ago. It is somewhat of an irony. No matter where I go, no matter what happens, no matter what I do, No matter how many masks I wear, I am still the same person. I am David. I do not know what is going to happen tomorrow. I don't know where I will be at the end of this week. I don't know if I'm going to graduate high school. But NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS,

It will happen to me.

The same me who made this page.

I can only hope for the best

I am going to leave this page up as a shrine, so that I may return here to reflect. To look back over my life and its many memories. Alot has happened to me in these fifteen years. Alot of good, and alot of bad.

I will not forget any of it

I am going to use my experiences and my memories in my future to the best of my ability. For if I do not, then I am not making any good of it. It would be like getting a very delicious looking cheesecake and not being able to enjoy it because you left it out on the counter. Or like running into a pole and cracking your head open, and then doing it again as soon as you get home from the hospital because you forgot to remember that running into poles it not good. I don't want to live in my past, but I want my past to influence my future. I honestly believe that we were given our lives for a reason.

I hope that everyone will find happiness.
I hope that everyone will find love
I hope that everyone will find peace
I hope that everyone will find their place.
