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Registration Form

Colorado Single Square Dancers
14th Annual Festival

Name    ________________________________________________

Address ________________________________________________

City _____________________ State ______ Zip _________

Phone Days _______________ Evenings __________________

E-mail ________________________________________________

Full Week-end Package - Pre-Registration
(includes all dances and after parties)
$25.00 US $ ___________
Full Week-end Package - At the door
(includes all dances and after parties)
$30.00 US $ ___________
Advanced Dance (Saturday 2:00-4:30 PM) $5.00 US $ ___________
Friday night only $10.00 US $ ___________
Saturday only (day & night) $15.00 US $ ___________
Sunday morning only $5.00 US $ ___________
  Total enclosed $ ___________
Please make check or money order payable to "Colorado Single Square Dancers"
Mail this form with your payment to: Ray Hollar
1165 Spangler Dr.
Northglenn, CO 80221 USA

Advance Registration Deadline is June 30, 1999