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As against the first revolution of modern physics and astrophysics (mainly based on instrumental observation of real phenomena) , the second age of modern physics is based on experimental quantification of infinitesimal events achieved by means of magnetic particles accelerators and resulting in a pyramid structure of expected, possible yet still relatively unproved discoveries chained together one after the other. The third age of modern physics which is the subject of this paper is represented by the theory named by the author: "the universal cosmic modulation of the matter". This theory explains how the third age of modern physics is based on transcendental scopes related both by the ancient scriptures and by the more modern concepts of metaphysics.

The explanation of this theory has required a language of rather unusual complexity in order to describe a very deep content for which great attention is required. The right approach for best understanding of this theory requires a multiple background and a mainly metaphysically rather than scientifically oriented mind as the theory abandons all earlier mathematical, relativity and quantum-based knowledge. Because of the present largely conformist attitude, a lot of modern current ideas are overwhelmingly accepted although often not meeting with real phenomena. Sometimes such assumptions have been brought so far as to Nobel prize awards, becoming deeply rooted certainties preventing any further constructive critic and thus negatively affecting and sometime even mistaking the scientific thinking.

A typical example of such current beliefs is - for instance - the light speed theory which has been soon taken as an absolute physical parameter (as well as the assumed hypothetical void where light is to be reflected) replacing and making "time" down to a relative size as if no more correlation was existing between cause and effect.

At present, scientists are seizing the infinite small matter and the universe by means of quantum mechanics and relativity respectively. However it is known long by now, how strongly against one another quantum and relativity theories are. They are sharing the same extent of contrasting as for the latest quantum heat theory and thermodynamics.

Any and all scientific theories are conceived from inside the natural system where we live in. So they are bound to be always approximate, temporary and hypothetical theories which may be true from a particular point of view but false from a more global approach. Because of their hypothetical character and their lack of an absolute parameter able to provide full evidence, they can never offer certainty values and only hold as long as more tests and experiments are brought forward to prove them. Sometimes they can even have a longer life depending on notoriety of their author who is sometimes likely to receive more and more appraisal and fame by dominant and often false ideas.

A technical teacher in Reggio Emilia, Mr. Gianfranco Soncini, has been carrying on studies and researches for a very long time and lately issued on CD ROM and INTERNET. His work is based on a new theory about the absolute origin of the universe and aiming to an attempt to solve the enigma enclosed in the heart of matter. For the first time a concept is based on a global approach to the "All" trying to unify all laws governing the material universe highlighting its origins and main fundamentals. Mr. Soncini’s theory has got roots into highest metaphysics in order to produce a global, scientific vision of the "All" behind appearance of perceptible world. The content of this theory is sustained by a number of metaphysical thoughts covering to the only possible fact supported by a particular interpretation of God given in the Bible (the Genesis) and by Augustine (The Confessions). Both of these ancient scriptures contain key-words assuming a clarifying meaning.

And so for instance: the term "firmament" now appears in its meaning of marker between two different universe parts, the term "heaven of heavens" as partition of the universe, the term "waters" as fluid matters turning elementary unit particles into order/disorder, the terms "light and darkness" as cosmic modulation generating order and equating disorder, the term "lights(luminari)" as universal motors responsible for dynamic order of universal matter, and finally the terms "day and night" as renewal cycle in universal phenomena.

According to several university studies, this mysterious and original theory - which is at once so closed and so far from our perceptive world - seems to be the only one considering both unknown and unconceivable facts as well as unknown yet still discoverable facts. This theory appears to be the only one containing significant scientific fundamentals about the infinite small and infinite big sustained both by metaphysical, Christian and biblical concepts. This issue is a copy of the first lay out shown on internet. That's why the text contains paragraphs which are sometime summarized and difficult to follow for the reader. The language used contains a lot of new terms, notes and remarks made by the author about other works to outline the innovative character of his theory rather than to provide a pure critic.

The refuse and the rejection of God by the scientists has reached so far to believe that the very complex dynamics of the matter can be brought to one single level (relativity) as if no sequence order was given between multiple phenomena and the relationship between one another. So for instance:

There is no understanding as yet of the predestinated essence of the universal matter (not to be confused with the time when events take place) translated into its 3 everlasting and never changing states of: fluid linear space, piecewise stiff matter and wave-energy spread from the farthest borders of the fluid space to each and single stiff matter particle.

Casual evolution is believed to start from the chaos to reach the order and vice versa, without considering the universal entropy and the functions from which "the being" is depending.

Relativity is confused with inertial systems with no understanding neither of the perfect multiple order of diversified matter, nor of the prime causes of the matter physical states and the predetermination of all periodical events (that's why a virtual-mathematical equation is often confused with an complex infinite equation).

Modern conformist trends have gained an almost divine establishment through opinion makers from the recent past who were setting theories forth, which would often exchange NULL with ABSOLUTE and ABSOLUTE with RELATIVE. For this reason a quote from the "Time magazine" recently read: ...... a revolt is taking place against science. The scientific method used since the early age throughout the western countries is under attack ...

So the logical question comes to the author's mind whether science, advanced technology, or virtual patterns created by mathematics and satellite computers can be sufficient to identify and explain the final end of universal matter along with the confined space who contains it, the energy who moves it from the outside, the time who sets its everlasting cycles, the order who provides its periodical regeneration, the even-maker chaos crashing it down to absolute uniformity and the precise moment when matter starts, restarts or ceases its natural being.

When the scientific method is extended to all many natural events and used to replace metaphysics who is in turn used to replace the divine, then science is bound to become a server of modern trends and time confusing predetermined with casual events and thus producing a mainly materialistic concept replacing the divine project.

Casual effects generated by accidental causes do not have any reason for happening as they are the purest, unconceivable and mystique expression of the FATE, impossible to reach and understand as God himself is.

The FATE is master of the matter and something far better and more powerful than our Mr. Magoo, as he's got the power to change invisible matter into visible matter starting from the last perceivable effect, he can change form unto formlessness and formlessness into form as well as matter into energy and energy into matter. His energy could expand the universe from the original infinite small and thick core. His "brain" relentlessly works at an unconceivable temperature of billions of degrees within a fraction of a second. He's got unlimited power of persuasion able to lead worldwide scientific groups into the belief that time, matter and space are like a stretching and shrinking band whereas there are three curved space dimensions combined with a fourth dimension: "time".

It is the action of "time" who made it possible for a father and a twin to be sent in the universe as astronauts and return to earth as young as they were while their children and the other twin have meanwhile died long before.

As Mr. Magoo remains just a cartoon, Mr. FATE has now been fully recognized and accepted both by official science and modern church.

Again, the fathers of modern science in the nineteenth and twentieth century own Mr. FATE their inspirations towards innovative ideas as against the dark past inheritance of the middle ages. So for instance:

Marx turned the monarch down into people government (Stalin, the father of the country)

Freud turned the soul down to rationality levels (beginning of psychoanalysis and shutting of mental health clinics)

Darwin thought the man was the evolution of a monkey species with no even little concern about the possibility of the reverse process turning man into monkey, who – according to nature – shows more chances of survival.

Einstein turned the divine predetermined and consequential law who created the matter into a pure cause of various effects happening and different times but on a same level of phenomena (theory of relativity who disagrees with new quantum-theory)

Same as nobody can understand and get to know oneself by solely referring to oneself, researchers may not understand the present so nevertheless the past causes of the matter by solely looking at matter. So, theories who are not based on absolute scientific facts (which however still requires a certain extent of faith for taking facts as truth) can be either true or fake or sometimes even totally given an opposite meaning then they have.

A dilemma keeps arguing our minds whether matter and its laws can be better revealed by the scientific research method (although limited by relatively rough instrumental systems and excessive use of virtual models) or by a logical study of the ancient message given by God (starting from given assumptions to reach back to the original causes and rules of becoming).

There are critics to this theory of cosmic modulation who define it just a "well mixed philosophic pot" containing ancient Greece and Christian concepts, where lot is taken from Aristothelis, Pitagora, Parmenide, Empedocle, Eraclito e Plotino as well as scholar philosophy. Moreover they say, that this theory is condemning and thus rejecting all modern science included all what it is positive as the increased level of knowledge acquired and the advanced mathematical-instrumental research methods.

The author responds to these critics by pointing out that the taught of ancient Greece and Christian culture have lead us to a remarkable level of civilization whereas the actual relativity-mathematical-technological thinking is taking to a widely spread level of human degeneration. Leaving no space for debating, we could definitely tell by the outcome, whether our modern science is really certain or uncertain, useful or dangerous, true or false!

It is clear that this theory of cosmic modulation will be hardly accepted by modern scientists holding on to a traditional non-believing and trapped into the ancient conformism character of the nineteenth century still requiring for demonstration evidence from research, testing and instrumental procedures. No researcher – who would not like to rescue his reputation and his esteem – will abandon all assertions taken so far and accept that the universe is governed by a superior law. If he did so, then all the work done so far would need a review and occasionally new evidence based on different criteria and patterns.

For over half a century high technology means have been used to find out that nuclear physics is still basically standing on its beginning. Although a large number of decadence, persistent e rotanting particles was discovered with a numerical correlation within significant sets, they are still perceived as fragmentary matters. According to the theory of cosmic modulation these particles – the so called quarks – are further and further reducible down to a certain number of levels.

Because of their infinite small size, we can say that the basic original matter cannot be conceived as a physical state rather as a bunch of energy kept together by the ties of cosmic frequencies to form a structure with a multiple dimension made out of many cosmic modules containing an heterogeneous fluid called cosmic plasma.

This explains also the double form of irradiated energy that can be either waved or corpuscle.

A particular interpretation of the Genesis provides full support to the theory of cosmic modulation whose content and foundations are a key to a number of questions for which so far the official science could give no answer and should be just taken as a possible truth until contrary is proven:

Did the universe have a self-start from its internal core, or is it better the result of an external force (God) who created it in accordance both to the Genesis of the Bible and to some ancient cosmic studies?

As they say that pure matter cannot generate itself as well as no thing comes from nothing and no thing turns into nothing, then no corporeal creation can be self created nor self determine its relationship with the universal in respects of quality and quantity. If so, should we say the corporeal matter has been ever existing or was it set to exist in the past or is it still presently completing its evolution process.

According to later metaphysics corporeal matter was set to be, so as for human senses and human mind who serve to perceive and to conceive it. On this base we must assume that there is a mutual link between matter and senses/mind. If a link between them is existing, then there must be also a force to provide this link and thus potentially decide for their existence. The contrary would necessarily mean that there is no logic reason for existing and the man is no more than a casual random matter event within the matter where he's existing.

But if so, what would the difference be between logical, instinctive, vegetal and material beings?

Where is the cosmic energy coming from, who commands both elementary matter and star systems according to a intelligible logic?

Which sort of mysterious and thus still present force could collect evenly scattered matter fragments from all over the universe and get them together according to a precise scalar order as for galaxies, coil galaxies, star clouds, young stars with thick core, binary and multiple star systems and so on, following a growing (either pyramid or central pattern) order suitable for creation of a functional, grouping, balancing, spread or space relationship between individual components of astral and elementary matter?

How can the large scale universe be so uniform and even while its basic irradiation at 3.5 Kelvin degrees is and remains the same no matter which direction (same as if the huge and much assumed primordial explosion had never taken place)?

Why, according to actual theories, did the universe start at an expansion speed very close to the critical level between theoretical contraction and everlasting expansion patterns? Not to forget, that such speed still remains the same at present days (after 10 billions years) although it should have remarkably changed in either one sense or the other.

If matter exploded and later got randomly together by contracting in reverse reaction, so how could it form together again to give birth to the orderly planned universe?

How can stars perform periodical space and time rotations along perfectly geometrical targets (circles, ellipse, coils and other atypical shapes) within a set of correlated star system sets?

How come the galaxies, who all originate from a big bang, show different ages and different space dimensions (sometimes even millions and billions of light ears)?

Is the universe a finite or infinite dimension, is it closed or opened, is it casual or predetermined, is it stationary or in never-ending expansion, has it got a cycle or self-sequential order?

As each and single complex structure assumes the presence of multiple hierarchical levels, can we really expect the universe constants to reach through the entire universe or should we better presume their existence as limited to a particular system or level of the hierarchy?

Which and how many are the primary, indivisible and fundamental parts of the matter and which is their precise serial correlation order between masses?

Which form of energy is contained within the infinite smallest part of the matter?

Where is the energy coming from, which moves infinite small atom particles around their center?

Even if the matter self generation was possible, a self predetermined order is very hard to imagine unless we make God or a divine power out of matter. In this case, as for ancient pagani, all corporeal matter forms should deserve divine adoration.

The infinitesimal energy has got a polyvalent, continuously ordered dynamic and can be only detected by multidimensional elementary matter belonging to the same size range. Because of its size, infinitesimal energy belongs to a dimension impossible to reach by actual technological instruments. It is therefore hard to expect, that any of its direct or indirect manifestation could be humanly caught.

Time did't start with matter but rather with the order and classification ruling matter itself. If not, it would be impossible to grow a logical concept of "before" and "after" and all nature cycles would be meaningless.

The dual form (waved and corpuscle) of the infinitesimal matter does not fit with its simple classification as energy quarks. However this was done by quantum mechanics (who should have solved the problem of the energy dual form) when no other solution could be possibly found out without self contradicting itself. At last, though, the quarks theory became a good physical-mathematical system to provide an answer even if only partially sustained. In fact it still doesn't explain the phenomenal related to the infinitesimal extremely complex matter.

To solve this problem the theory of cosmic modulation assumes the existence of different elementary matter particles named "cosmic modules". Each cosmic module is infinite small and cannot be further broken down. Their size does not allow for direct nor indirect perceiveness during no test or trial.

The universe is sustained by a classification order which cannot be processed by human intelligence and thus escapes all common definitions unless it is conceived as enclosure in the immensity. No human brain or intelligence can have perfect mastery of the universe, which contains the sequence of different events resulting from perennial cycles related to the mutations of all what is becoming.

Science main aim is to reveal the binding character of all that what is, was and will be in our physical world. This argument has got very deep implications to itself. Einstein spent around this subject most of his life, without reaching any successful conclusion. Younger scientists also started to wonder about it, while teologists and other researchers keep trusting their research methods and their immanent theories rather than researching the traditional trascendental vision of life as One Whole Disposing Unit and its relentless Becoming into the man.

Official science may well prove the nature and the amount of a lot of events. However it fails to track the set of their interrelated origins and reasons for happening, so that no global view and analysis can be given. For this reason, scientific statements have onlygot a value of relative truth missing all static and absolute parameters. For this reason all scientific notions requires at lease one link to metaphysics and to the spiritual sense behind it.

Same as your television does not show what it contaiens but rather only the demodulated message from the selected sender, so the atom organic structure is just reflecting the external forces who shaped it, while it hides the main core who governs it through a number of infinitesimal elementary particles duly classified over different levels and layers according to the same laws governing the matter throughout the universe, where matter aggregation into orderly patterns and scattering into even-up chaos and vice versa are performed.

Einstein, the founder of modern sperimental-mathematical research, brought forward some new rather odd theory about the universe which he assumed to be like a static hypersphere with given ray and mass and variable center. This hypersphere would in turn contain four space-time dimensions: three of them showing a geometrical curved shape and one of them (time) depending from other variable phisical parameters. As the middle of the hypersphere is assumed to keep changing, the universal matter is forced either to aggregate according to a given law and order or to be scattered into chaos.

So, it was apparently proved by means of suitable assumptions that the light speed has got a constant and absolute valence nomatterwhat etherfree space it is crossing. But in this case, why is it not possible for this empty space to contain matter in form of aggregated particles if light waves can freely cross it without any change or effect?

In other words, the light would show superiority as against the matter which generated it. The implication of this assumption is therefore, that the only thing which can exist into absolute vaccum (assuming absolute vaccum exists) is light. However it was not cleared whether the light speed is really always constant and absolute nomatterwhat space temperature (depending on the thickness and physical status of sorrounding matter) it crosses.

Another contradiction to Einstein's theories soon came from Hubble, who argued that the universe is not static rather under continuous expansion , although slightly slowed down by the gravity force.

Hubble's theory was later confirmed by the spectrographic analysis of the lines left by extra-galactical nebulae who show a trend to the red shade when their distance from the point of observation increases (Doppler effect).

Again, it was God or chance who lead the telescope named after him to the discover that even this latter theory is partially wrong, as the universe seems to expand faster when the distance between observation point and observed object increases.

The famous Einstein's motto "the good God doesn't throw dices" supported by his continuous success, lead him to oppose the newly born quantum-mechanic introduced by new scientists who were not pretending any truth about the universe and rather tried to define it by means of a mathematical translation of physical events under consideration of recent doubts and reservations raised by Heisenberg. So while Einstein was pretending having found the absolute starting with relativity, Heisenberg was providing clear evidence that all dynamic (in his case atomic) phenomenons always contain a certain degree of unexplainable uncertainty barrier. The first theory of relativity (special relativity) was formulated by Einstein in 1905 and referred to objects performing a uniform motion. The theory was articulated in two main criteria sustained by special mathematical considerations whereas the light speed becomes an absolute valence crossing throughout the vaccum. However because of relativity, controversial effects are supported such as: slowing of clocks, mass expansion, length contraction of observed objects, and increase of the relative speed between the standing observer and the moving object.

Above observations are resulting into the fundamental equation mass: energy asserting that the mass of a corporeal body is to be meant as an energy concentration having own weight when entering a gravity field. By the famous equation E = mc2 , Einstein brought forward the idea that resting matter can still produce energy. On the contrary it is nowadays fully acknowledged that even the smallest part of the matter has got a revolution speed around its centre.

Einstein's second theory of general relativity was introduced a few years later, whereas Einstein was lead to take secondary relativity effects into consideration too. This part of the theory was to analyse corporeal matters subjected to accelerated motion by the gravity force. Observing that the falling speed of a body attracted by gravity force is not depending from its mass weight (equivalent to inertial mass according to the Newton's second dynamic law), Einstein considered the universal gravity as a phenomenon depending on the geometrical features of related space.

According to Einstein general relativity theory, there is a link between gravity and the three space dimensions (four if time is considered. However time is not considered as an absolute magnitude separate and different than space, rather as a physical magnitude called time-space and showing a curving pattern depending on the mass, density and thus gravity of the matter involved.

The presence of matter within vacuum space causes a geometrical space strain and changing flat space into curved space. This curvature is the first motion cause of celestial bodies. For this reason Euclide linear geometry changed into Riemann positive elliptic curvature or Lobacevskij negative hyperbolic curvature.

General relativity results into some odd mathematical outcomes such as: light rays curved by the gravity force, time slowing gravitation waves, matter turning motion and so on. None of these considerations has got a metaphysical logical support to it (as for example a link between cause and effect). As they rather are a purely mathematical conclusion, they also left space to many more later interpretations such as for instance: CLOSED TIME LINES in superdense matter allowing for time trips (so called CTC) and the more recent GUT theories (supersimmetry, supergravity, supercorde and inflation).

According to the latter INFLATION theory, the part of the universe where we are living and whose time and space boundaries were set by Einstein and the later BIG BANG theory, is just one out of many more continuously reproducing itself and causing the universe to grow dramatically fast at higher speed than the light itself! Later on, as Newton celestial mechanics was abandoned, a new theory was set forth about the atom which was to explain the discontinuity of its dominating forces and the reason for its escaping the traditional idea that all universal matter either infinite small or big is kept together by the same force and criterias. As a consequence of the new theories, the atom has become an indetermined unit much depending on probability of its consistent dynamic status. Therefore it is no more possible either to track the path of the atom particles aroung its center and to define its structure.

The degation of the cosmic ether and the consequent assumption of the light speed as the only constant magnitude as against all other parameters, has lead Einstein to deny also Galileo's relativity although it was backed-up by centueries of experience.

The dominating idea of absolute vacuum replacing ether, soon became so popular and wide spread that no attention was even paied to Mr. Todesini's experiments (Marco Todeschini from Bergamo). Mr. Todeschini performed a number of successful experiments showing the effect of MAGNUS DYNAMIC FLUIDITY. In his experiments a number of small balls turining on their own axis was dipped into a tab filled with water. By letting them float around a bigger ball also turning on own axis, it was noted that a reproduction of a mini solar system soon got produced by the smaller balls.

By accepting the interatomic vacuum instead of ether, the physics of inifinite small and big is would be bound to give up all logical explanations of dynamic phenomenae stating an abvious failure to understand the law of universal matter. On the other hand refusing these conclusions turns science into a sort of denial fighting against divine laws.

If compared to the present theory of cosmic modulation, all common and current mathematical assumptions - who are not supported by trascendent thoughts neither by sufficient evidence of human logic - seem to be missing any realistic ground. According to the theory of cosmic modulation the absolute global energy spreading into matter remains constant while the volume of energy "bubbles" produced by the vibration of each single particle in the cosmic plasma, changes according to dynamic-space strains of equal energy due to the motion of the bodies as against the approaching cosmic modulation waves.

Einstein's theories thus loose validity because all considered magnitudes have been associated to the same phenomena on the same level so that inertial systems producing conservative energy are now same as the ones with volumetric energy sent in form of waves into open space.

Furthermore, it is now explained how light cannot cross the absolute vacuum neither freely nor in quark "packets" or waved energy. It is in fact explained, that between leaving its sender and reaching its receiver, light cannot be into what is not given to be: which is the absolute vacuum (now meant as the separation between sender and receiver).

So, the light speed (VCP) is not a throughout constant value, rather an average fluid-waves scattering value, changing because of matter cosmic modulation in accordance with the temperature of across-space and sorrounding matter. In addition to this, the theory of cosmic modulation also takes into consideration the scattering speed (VCF) of the cosmic fluid contained with the matter and leads to the conclusion that no absolute vacuum can be there, as corporeal matter is a breakless, diversified bunch of substances influenced by the same external laws (metaphisycs).

A resulting system cannot affect or change the absolute the superior, external agent or power which issued it. So the theory of relativity is standing on a basic lack of coherence disregarding the relationship and the difference between external agents causing things into place and internal agents issued and influenced by them. The agent affecting from the outside and its resulting agent are two different dynamic factors in a correlated jerarchical order.

The assumption that elementary (undistructible) matter masses can possibly mutate into perfect energy and thus disappear as if they never existed, leaves space to the thought that such energy may somehow show-up in that null or absolute vacuum where light is assumingly scattering.

In this respect, the theory of relativity starting from vacuum to reach vacuum, is just no more than a virtual mathematic equation of double vacuum.

The elementary matter particles directly influenced by the closed universe energy are the primary corporeal entities in the universe creation process and thus they cannot ever be destroyed. Therefore nuclear energy is not the result of matter distruction, but rather of a temporary interruption in the orderly asset of such primary matter particles.

Again, Einstein theory is totally reversed by the theory of cosmic modulation, as far as nuclear power in no more the production of matter transformation into energy. It is rather the result of an event happening in the closed matter universe when space depressions around the matter primary components (cosmic modules) implode (cosmic modules resonance) due to lack of the dynamic force keeping matter together.

Primary undivisible matter is a direct product of creation by its Creator and is a perfect universal unit essence such as space, energy and time; it has gor multiple cosmic dimesions and an overall spacial position; it shows in a triple dynamic and alternated form (form, formless and converted matter); it is everlasting and its final purpose never changes.

For this reason there is not as yet any full understanding of the atom and its nature.

According to traditional nuclear physics, the atom is a double pole structure constisting of a layer of negative particles moving around a central positive core consisting itself of a number of several other particles. According to the theory of cosmic modulation, the atom is indeed consisting of a central multilevel core representing the hierarchic atom structure which shows a scalar, "pyramid" form (modulated atom) instead of the traditional concentric scalar orbits. Such structural hierarchy is consisting of a first level of outer modular particles moving around their central module who represents the next pyramid level where more outer particles move around another central core and so on for a number of levels similarly as for a complex star system.

The modulated atom is practically an aggregate of different cosmic modules set on different orbit levels. Each cosmic module turns around the others according to their respective mass. An interaction between cosmic modules (in both inside and outside directions) gives birth to an aggregating, balancing and spacing action. So each single cosmic modules (or primary particle) in each atom level or in different atoms can dynalically combine with the others to form different space positions and matching of interacting "relative poles".

Actual sciente has widely accepted the present version of the universe creation, whereas years of studies and experiments have been showing the BIG BANG as the best possible description of what should have happened in the instants of the universe life.

Later on this version was completed and added of a second theory describing a second and opposite event to the BIG BANG: the so called "black hole".

According to the first part of this theory (the BIG BANG theory), 15 billions of years ago the universe, the empty space, time and matter were not existing. At that time there was only an infinite small and thick core. At some stage, this core exploded with impressing speed and scattered energy and matter at extremly high temperatures until hydrogen and helium were formed. About half a million of years later, this "mass on fire" cooled down untill the atoms were formed, who released a huge quantity of photons (light) and energy (at a few Kelvin degree = 270°C) throughout the universe.

The second part of the theory (black holes), describes the later negative universe evolution of black holes. The black holes theory deals with the death of star systems due to high contraction effects caused by a concentration of very high density matter able to oppose and cancel averything (even scattering of the light).

More recently both these theories are becoming increasingly more doubtful as a result of new astronomic findings, as for examples the records of observations taken by the orbital telescope "Hubble" and other space satellites.

Additional debate is brought forward by comparison of these theories either with natural events such as birth and death of nature entities and new theories such as the cosmic modulation theory. Basically the BIG BANG and the BLACK HOLES theory increasingly seem having been given an inverse formulation. Contrarily to both these theories, natural events suggest that birth is rather resulting from a mastered and well planned association and aggregation of life elements while death involves a dissociation effect followed by a limited closed space expansion aiming to even scattering of structural life elements (same as if a cycle was to be closed before recommencing).

Other elements exhist besides the essence of corporeal space matter, the fluid space and the time. There are in fact energy waves that human technology is not yet able to detect. This energy provides shaping and modulation of primary particles generating matter in turn. They are the primary essence of their structure and their imposed order.

God created the infinite universe, for it should be visited at least! That's why primary energy cannot come from a destructive event. Rather it must be coming from all over the universe, so that any living being may use it to move between intergalactical spaces.

May be, future manipulation and exploitation of special materials will give us a chance to track and isolate this immense and extraordinary modulating energy able to create, scatter and recreate matter.


The following page is meant as a key-tool for the reader summerizing the content of the theory of cosmic modulation and its metaphysical aim to find the origin and the laws of the universe by mens of logical and spiritual analysis away from past scientific conclusions.

Taking inspiration from the Bible Genesis, the thory of cosmic modulation assumes the universe as created in a sequence of three actions: firstly, a perfect never changing and everlasting creation act; secondly, a shaping act (forming and making interacting elements); and last, a dynamic dual and cyclic act providing everlasting motion of the universe.

Above acts happened in the following time sequence:

In the beginning there were only the incorporeal material space (heaven) consisting of different and separate fluids dipped into the depth of abyss and the formless material space (earth) made out several different multiple particles generating material matter; then it was the energy (light) who separated the universe into "intercosmos" (waters under the firmament) and "metascosmos" (waters above the firmament); then all the "fluids" (waters) under the firmament gathered with existing particles into one corporeal place (dry land); at last dual universe (light-darkeness) was created and time cycle (day and night) was started.

Recalling this interpretation of the Bible Genesis, the theory of cosmomodulation makes out of the elementary particles the immense original source of energy generating matter creation power according to five simple, logical and universal laws following a precise object in accordance with an established creation plan. They are set forth in a sequence order applicable to the detail at start and to the universe at the end, they've got a dual interaction and alternate according to a perennial cycle matching with periennial change of matter.

A physical analysis of such laws, has outlined 5 main groups to define them:

Universal system (on 3 different dimensions)

Bearing system (a set of interacting cosmic fluids)

Creating system (cosmic modulation)

Recognition system (set of vibrating particles)

Scattering system (scattering into chaos, thus bringing all down to a uniform level)

Classic phylosphers outlined the same metaphysical laws by outlining universal matter according to the following 4 causes generating related effects (in parethensis):

Matter (generating density at same essence)

Form (generating matter form and dimensions)

Moving energy (generating gathering/scattering force)

Death/end (trascendental aim of the universe.