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Endorsement training is available on the following types:


Hiller H12E
Bell B206L Longranger
Hughes H269 & H369
Bell47/Bell206 Jetranger
Aerospatiale AS 350 Squirrel
Robinson R44/R22


Constant Speed Propeller
Retractable Undercarriage
Multi - Engine
Tail wheel
C182, Arrow, Commanche, Baron
Arrow, Commanche, Baron
Commanche, Baron
CA25 Skyfox

There is sometimes debate amongst students about the best way to obtain a Commercial Helicopter Licence ie. combined fixed wing/rotary wing course or rotary wing only course. At Chopperline we believe it is best to be able to have a choice. The Combined Rotary Course allows you to benefit by receiving the maximum total flying time, maximum command hours, two licences and considerable cost saving. Most importantly you must be more employable if you can fly both fixed wing and helicopter. You save by learning navigation skills in fixed wing and can dedicate your helicopter flying to perfection of your skills, as you will already be familiar with airway procedures and navigation from your fixed wing flying. The 105 hour course offers you more helicopter hours and for those who have no intention of any fixed wing flying this is an option. Here at Chopperline you have a choice where as with many schools the combined course is not an option. Flying schools which only promote 105 hr courses often cannot provide the combined course option. Whilst at Chopperline you may choose either option, we genuinely believe the combined course represents the best value.

The CHOPPERLINE GROUP has bases throughout Australia, operating aircraft in the fields of aerial agricultural application, stock mustering, aerial survey, ship's pilot transfer, and general charter work. When you train with us you benefit from our vast experience in the aviation industry and our knowledge of the type of pilot required by commercial operators, such as Chopperline.

CHOPPERLINE employs a large number of pilots and we know what employers look for in selecting their pilots. Chopperline operates up to 20 aircraft and we prefer fixed wing/rotary licensed pilots. We also undertake pilot assessment and evaluation for other aviation companies. During your career it is likely that you will seek employment with our Company and preference is given to company trained pilots. When a vacancy occurs for a low-time pilot, consideration is ONLY given to pilots trained by our own school.

As we are in daily contact with many other owners and operators throughout our sales and service network, we are often asked to recommend newly qualified pilots and have been able, on many occasions, to find work for our students. However, we are very conscious of the difficulty encountered by many low hour pilots obtaining the experience necessary for their first job. In the period from February 1995 until September 1996 88% of our graduates found work.