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Chance's AD&D Page

This page will be dedicated to the game (or games in a matter of speaking) of Advanced Dungens and Dragons. I play on putting in the chracters my groups are playing as well as a description of the story. Mosty my group will be playing in Forgotten Realms. I like the world. There is alos a lot of suff that done there. as well.

Since my Favorite class is Rangers, it is not suprise that my chracters always follow Mielikki, goddess of the forest.

As soon as I get the information from my group I will post decriptions of all the chracters in the group. As well as what they have accomplished.

Also, I have been around the web a time or to. I have found vaults containing magic Items, magic weapons. But what I ask is a better treasure than the characters we play? That is why I am starting a character Archive. Send in your Good guys, bad gusy, NPC's, PC. None will be refused. Hopefully we can get quite a selection of them on here. Making this a resource for those DM's in a bind Please include, Name, States, History, magic items,(if any) and a description of the characters personality. I will start this page when i get enough submitions. I hope to find a program to do the work for me.

Be sure to check out my new Vault, This is where I will be placing new rescources, as they are submited

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