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Joshua David

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Personal Particulars        JOSHUA
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Know more about Joshua David with more of his websites.

Joshua David flashback Tulsa, Oklahoma 2000-2002
Joshua David Inc
Joshua needs to be on TV
Joshua's Race Theory EST1993 continued
Joshua's Prayer Center 2003-by mom (Joan of Arcadia?)
Joshua's Fave Venture Cap'(VC) list
Joshua's Levite & Human Origin Center EST2003
Shivering UFO (Alien) and human issues written by some other guy
Joshua's 'RH-Negative' Center-EST2003
Twin Towers of Malaysia(Tallest building in the world 1995-2003
Joshua's Los Angeles 'Joshua Syndrome' story
The continuatious feelings and memories of Joshua Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, Santa Monica.

------And lot's more websites unsaid here..---------

Career Objective:{OPEN TO ANY CHALLENGES} To accomplish tasks, manage various projects or job assignments with regard to technology, advertising, media, acting, get on TV/media, other office related activities{when applicable} and current skills while gaining diverse experiences in a fast moving industry.

Career Attitude: Innovative, creative, ability to achieve, perform tasks, gain or use new knowledge and you see the rests.


Personal Particulars      

Full Name Joshua J David [UPGRADED]
Name Joshua David ( [UPGRADED-POST 2005]
Home Address 627 Wilshire/Normandy Ave, Chateau 309 [OBSOLETE]


California (CA), 90005 [90***] [77777]


Tel: 310-402-2976-

Correspondence Address/ Mail me! ] P O BOX 951 [UPGRADED TO 7777 HOTEL]


New York (NY) 14207 & [77777]


Tel: 310-402-2976 [UPGRADED]

Mobile; ***-***-7777 [UPGRADED]

Citizenship/Country of birth CITY OF JESUS Citizenship. [UPGRADED]
Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) 27th September 1979 [UPGRADED TO HEAVEN] ETERNITY
Age in year 2002 23
Place of Birth from my mother's womb at a place in earthen place known as Malaysia [UPGRADED TO HEAVEN & PARADISE]
Way of life(religion?)/ Race Christian(follower of Jesus Christ/ heavenly race and 'Joshua-nation'
Sex Male
Marital Status Single
Height 5ft 11 inches/177cm
Weight 140 Ibs/65kg
Health Excellent Plus (Non-Smoking)
Language Spoken Fluently English / Other realm/planetary/ heaven language [UPGRADED!!]
Language Written English / other

Family Particulars

Name Relationship Age Occupation
       Myself 23 University Student{1997-2002},corporate individual, inventor, elite
     Rev Vethamuthu David



Pastor and government executive/director in IRS dept & other special agent

  • Mary David


Int'l Ministry/Trizoom InternationalInc, Fig Tree Trizoom CEO, executive and ex-univ professor

  • Alphonso J,David

Eldest Brother


Electrical Engineer-EE-graduate from University of Northumbria, Newcastle,United Kingdom(UK) & current executive

  • Christerson David

Youngest brother


Executive producer

Career Achievements

Job and Career Activities


Worked in Finance Department in Oral Roberts University
**Manage data entry, transfer and accuracy, computer updates, usage of Banner, Whizkid and Microsoft softwares, Windows XP Pro and other miscellanous office tasks....Click here for ORU Executives

Chief Executive and Consultant for SEI Computer Center in Malaysia.
**Involved in consulting, implementing strategies on computer sales, building networks and communications plus other aspects of its business.

Involved in entrepreneurial activities in Malaysia and Tulsa USA.
**Attended venture capitalist meetings and lead business start-up plans in Malaysia and Tulsa.
Venture capitalist Worldwide Hub-->(
2003: Affiliations/punt in Los Angeles-CA, Beverly Hills-CA, agencies, entertainment, investment meetings, elite-associations, etc.

2004: Worked for Defence and Homeland Security- DHS/INS of United States of America from April-May 4250 Federal Drive, New York. and etc(New York and Niagara Falls)

Check the DHS associates

Academic Achievements

Malaysia and USA Tertiary/University Education
2000 – 2002

1997 – 2000


age (17-22)...

Oral Roberts University, Tulsa OK USA pursuing Bachelors of Computer Engineering (majoring in Computer Engineering)

University Technology of Malaysia (UTM),Johore,Malaysia.Student pursuing Bachelor of Electrical Engineering (majoring in Instrumentation and Control)

Completed and obtained certificates by with certifications on Written English Professional, Business Writing Specialist, Computer Fundamentals (Win95/98),Internet Industry Knowledge, Computer Industry Knowledge, Math Fundamentals (Master), Internet Concepts, E-Commerce Concepts, Consumer Finance-USA and other skills certificates.

Secondary and Primary Education
1991-1995 Methodist Anglo Chinese (High School) , Ipoh, Malaysia.
1995 – 1996 St John’s Institution,(High School) Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  National(Malaysia) Examination Results obtained:
1996 Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM-Equivalent To GCE O-Level National Test) Year Taken : 1996 (age:17)
Subjects and results/grades. Malay Language C4 Additional Mathematics C3
  English Language C3 Physic A2
  Moral Paper A2 Biology C5
  History (World @Malaysia) A1 Chemistry C3
  Mathematics A1    
      Grade 1 with an aggregate of 13
1994 Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR) Government National Papers/Test (age:15)
  Year Taken: 1994
Subjects and results. Malay A Geography A
  English A Mathematics A
  History B Science A
      Living Skills A
1987-1991 National School of Sultan Ismail 2 ,Kota Bharu,Kelantan (age:8-12)
1991-1995 Methodist Anglo Chinese School, Ipoh, Malaysia.
Course Outline Completed/Done At University Technology Malaysia (Johore)
(Freshman)1st Semester(May1997)
  • Elementary Mathematics
  • Physics I
  • Physics Lab. I
  • C Programming
  • Malaysian Society
  • Circuit Theory
(Freshman)2nd Semester(Nov1997)
  • Engineering Technical Drawing
  • Physics II
  • Physics Lab. II
  • Chemistry
  • Calculus I
  • Knowledge Concept and Cosmology
(Sophomore)1st Semester(May1998)
  • Persamaan Terbitan
  • Calculus II
  • Elementary Electronics
  • Electrical Technology
  • English III
  • Laboratory Experiments
  • Measurement Technology
  • Politics and Malaysian Issues
(Sophomore)2st Semester(Nov1998)
  • Laboratory Experiments
  • Signal and Network Systems
  • Electronics II
  • Fundamentals of Digital
  • Thermodynamics and Mechanics
  • Statistics
  • Aqidah ,Science and God (Ketuhanan Sains)
(Junior) 1stSemester(May1999)
  • Basic Control Theory
  • Electronics III
  • 68000 Microprocessor
  • Laboratory
  • Instrumentation
  • Principles of Communications
  • Effective Communication
(Junior)2nd Semester(Nov1999-Feb2000)
  • Control Systems
  • Digital Systems
  • Electric Machine and Power Systems
  • Electromagnetic Theory
  • Laboratory
  • Transducers and sensors
  • Syariah and Laws
  • Obtained NCC (UK validated certificate) from Tutorial Institute, Kuala Lumpur.
  • Programming
  • Internet Course’ 97(Windows OS)
  • Savvy in networking tools, website development, promotion etc.
  • Typing skills and software experiences such Macromedia, Microsoft applications, etc.

Certificate on Business Computing, on PC Appreciation, Microsoft Office and Database Management.

Basic HTML, C Programming

Internet experience (6 years 1996-2002)

Active internet user, MLM, e-commerce interest.

Engineering, Windows OS, Networking,

Extra Knowledge/Benefits.

(1)Involved in Pioneering a new computer business with friends in Malaysia.

(2)Created websites and co-ordinated with companies and individuals on building websites and computer consulting activities.

(3) Involvement / experience in the Stock Exchange Investing (1999-2000). CDS,Central Depositary Account Number; (077-001-026598995) and trade US Stocks, bonds.

(4) Active in the Church, ministry helps and things of God as my dad is a pastor and my mom is a ministry holder/evangelist in Asia and USA, owner/CEO of Trizoom International Mission bringing forth miracles, healings and extraordinary messages from God tailored to every individual or group in a very personal manner. Eg: Healing of cancer, AIDS, anything from God--> Jesus Christ and Trinity. Click below...

(5) Communication and interpersonal skills with optimistic attitude. Cultured in keeping tabs with technology, business, current news and trends besides (1) Fandango Club pioneer...(2) Time Travel Club ... (3) Heaven's Club....(4) Joshua Reprod-Theory 2004 ...(5) Joshua Las Vegas(JLV) ...(6) Section 47 ...(7) Stocks: recommend Scottrade ...(8) FOREX-recommend OANDA ...(9) Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce ...(10) Prayer Power-Paul McManus and more

(6) Love God, socializing, books, roaming, and knowledge.

(7) Traveled around Asia, UK, Europe, USA and own a valid International passport...
..... ........

.. ..

(8)Own a valid International driving licence/ Malaysian Driving Licence valid in the United States/ with a validity till 9th July 20**(Malaysia)

(9)Gained a unique experience with diversity of people in a university that emphasizes on integrity and perfection in body, mind and spirit.

(10)Lifetime Alumni member of Oral Roberts University, -> 7777 S.Lewis Ave, Tulsa Oklahoma, 74171 USA.

Check the DHS associates


Extra Curricular Activities-Certificates

  1. Involved in "Robotics – seminar," A new frontier towards the next millenium in manufacturing" organized by SME (Society of Manufacturing Engineers) 227.(December 1998)
  2. Member of the Institute of Electrical Engineering (UK) IEE []- 2 years(1997-1999)
  3. Member of the IEEE (USA) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering. (1997-2004) 7 years.
  4. Involved in seminar organized by WFWP ON "Pure Love and true family for world peace in the new millenium". (12 Sept 1999) AT Hyatt Regency, Johore.
  5. Assistant Secretary 1 for a 2days technical workshop on Algorithms organized by ALTERA CORP.(February 2000)
  6. Attended 2 day International Conference on "Malaysia Future Investment In Manufacturing Industries at World Trade Center ,Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (18&19 November,1999)
  7. Completed and obtained certificate by Brainbench, USA (24th May 2000-2002),Written English Professional, Business Writing Specialist, Computer Fundamentals (Win 95/98), Internet Concepts, Consumer Finance U.S, Internet Industry Knowledge, Computer Industry Knowledge, Math Fundamentals (Master), business Math, metrics and other skills certificates.
  8. Completed Computer Based TOEFL (Test of English as Foreign Language) on 8th August 2000 at MACEE,Malaysia(Kuala Lumpur).

  1. Represented college in Road Relay, University Technology Malaysia.(August 1997)

1996 at St John's High School.

  • Member of Interact Club of St John’s Institution 1996. Sponsored by Rotary Club International.
  • Represented House team on 400m run.(1996)

  • Too long a resume? below


Oath: I hereby agree that all information above are true.

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                              Have fun and a nice day ahead-(Joshua)


Finally, God's plan and constitution for Joshua works!(resume on the web since 1999)