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Balam Shimoda presents...

Castle Shimoda

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My name is irrelevant. My face more so. I am the cybernetic entity known only as Balam Shimoda. I do not exist outside the hallowed grounds of the World Wide Web, nor do I need to. Everything and everyone I wish is to be found in the realms of this electronic astral plane.
I am a poet, an architect, an engineer of dreams, and worker of fantasies to be shared with you, the reader.
I am a warrior, slaying the demons of ingorance, pride and bigotry. As an ethereal being, I have no skin and thus, no skin color, so please do not direct your primitive racial prejudices against me, and do not be offended by anything I may say. Offense is a sign that you're taking yourself too seriously, and if that's the case, you can kindly leave now. E-mail me, and I'll gladly reduce my counter by one to reflect that you were never here.
I am who and what I am and will not apologize for it. If you wish to know more, pray read further, and all will be revealed in due course.

I don't like those wussy address books. If you want to talk to me, you'll just have to e-mail me like everyone else.
DarkCounter intrepid adventurers have perused this website since the third day of the month of June, Era Commonus One Thousand Nine-Hundred, Nine and Ninety.

Download the Celtic MD and Black Chancery fonts used throughout this page.