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American Old West 1845/1850      


Irish Immigrant    


                                              Deadwood Western Town UK


Irish Immigrant

                          Deadwood Western Town Uk   




Re-enactor of the American old west 1800rds 



And a big howdy to all visitors to this site!


I thank you all for your time visiting, Please stay a spell
And enjoy your visit wont you, Why this site has a lot to offer for those interested in the American old west, not just for beginners, but also for those who live the old west as it was, And this website is also a great place for those who are just starting out in old west re-enactment for the first time ,Let it be a stepping stone for many who will live and enjoy the old west as I do...

I live in England now , born in Ireland 1957, some 40 odd years ago, anyway 25 years ago I did visit wembley arena where they had country music shows and  I meet up with Ron bell an old west enthusiast who introduced me to the old west and his group the Texas rangers , straight away I knew this was the life for me , what with the stories my dad told me over the years about the old west and the many western movies I saw with him I knew for sure that was the life for me, but after seeing many western movies over the years I guessed surely this cant be right , what Hollywood is showing in their films cant be how how is was, so I read some books and got information from friends who live the old west as it was !..and to my surprise I was right how Hollywood portrays the old west is nothing like what it was back in the 1800rds American old west , like I said early since I have meet up with some wonderful people who know the old west and live it as it was, and here is one who knows the old west mainly Texas rangers history  .." Capt Mike Whittington " who runs a frontier battalion  group here in the uk ....!  



 Visitors To This Site Since June 2006

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             Adios Amigos


                 Famine Poetry


A stripling,the last of his race,
lies dead In a nook by the Boreen side;
The rivulet runs by his board and his bed,
Where he ate the green cresses and died.

The Lord of the plains where that stream wanders on, -
Oh! he loved not the Celtic race --
By a law of the land cast out fellow man,
And he feeds the fat ox in his place.

The hamlet he leveled, and issued commands,
Preventing all human relief,
And out by the ditches, the serfs of his lands,
Soon perished of hunger and grief.

He knew they should die -- as he ate and he drank
of the nourishing food and wine;
He heard of the death cries of the famish'd and lank
And fed were his dogs and his swine.

That Lord is a Christian! and prays the prayer,
'Our Father' -- the Father of all --
And he reads in the Book of wonderful care,
That marks when a sparrow may fall.

And there lies that youth on his damp cold bed,
And the cattle have stall and straw;
No kindred assemble to wail the lone dead –
They perished by landlord law.

He lies by the path where his forefathers trod –
The race of the generous deeds,
That sheltered the Poor for the honor of God,
And fed them with bread -- not weeds.

Unshrouded he lies by the trackless path,
And he died as his kindred died –
And vengeance Divine points the red bolt of wrath,
For that death by the Boreen side. 























                                     Website Design : Michael McCarthy { aka Irish }.  

                                                     © Copyright  2007/8 /9 by [  Michael  McCarthy ] ®

                                                     All rights reserved. Revised: 05th  June 2009  



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