www.tinyurl.com/noorsociety www.tinyurl.com/begumnoor ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ \\\\\___PRINCESS NOOR APPRECIATION SOCIETY INTERNATIONAL 1998___\"-._ /////~~~ BEGUM NOOR CONNECTION ~~~/.-' _____________________________________________________________________________ NOOR GUESTBOOK POSTINGS COPIED FROM URL: http://pub50.bravenet.com/guestbook/4234244366 _____________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to place a personal message on our guestbook, simply Copy & Paste the following URL in your Browser's Location Box, and then Press the "POST" button on the Guestbook page: http://pub50.bravenet.com/guestbook/4234244366/ _____________________________________________________________________________ tipusultan, of Karachi Pakistan, on Sept. 10, 2012, wrote: The month of Setember, Yes the the Brave Tigeress MS.Noorunisa Inayat Khan, mudered brutully on 13th Sept 1944 in German confinement cell, she was all lone confined many months and third degree methods and on 13th Setember, she was killed, her character is full of unforgetable, how she faced bararbism and gestapo forces tactis, I saluate you MS.Noor Inayat Khan, May Allah bless your soul (Ameen) I am in sorrow and grief for yours innocent killings by Gestapo, Tipusultan, Email: tipusultan1973@yahoo.com _____________________________________________________________________________ khaliel al rasheed from guyana, currently lives in florida, USA, on Nov 19, 2011, wrote: the sister of tippu sultan was placed on an indentured ship and sent to the plantation in guyana, her descendents are surviving , now live in guyana, florida, canada, and trinidad and tobago. Email: safi134@aol.com _____________________________________________________________________________ D.K. TABBAA from JORDAN/BANGLADESH, on Aug 18, 2011, wrote: I READ THE BOOK SPY PRINCESS AND HAVE RESEARCHED THIS GREAT AND BRAVE LADY WHO WAS NOT GIVEN ENOUGH CREDIT FOR HER BRAVERY ...I WONDER WHY A FILM WAS NOT MADE ABOUT HER AFTER ALL THERE ARE FILMS ABOUT VIOLET SZABO AND ODETTE CHURCHILL ALSO NANCY WAKE I AM A GREAT BELIEVER IN THE SUFI FAITH ESPECIALLY THROUGH ART AND MUSIC MY WISH IS ONE DAY TO PARTICIPATE IN AN EXHIBITION PAYING HOMAGE TO THE GREAT PRINCESS NOOR I THINK WE STILL CANNOT VERIFY THE REAL TRUTH HOW SHE DIED THERE ARE SO MANY DIFFERENT VERSIONS IT IS MY HONOUR AND PRIVELEGE TO JOIN THIS GROUP Email: dodikt@gmail.com _____________________________________________________________________________ Ahmad Zafar from slough, berks. England., on Jan 15, 2011, wrote: NOOR we are proud on your work and deeds during 2nd ww against nazi Hitler. Hitler was a shameful betrayal of recent history, Every one who cares for mankind wil salute you and regard your work. Email: zafar1953@hotmail.co.uk _____________________________________________________________________________ Michael Scully from NYC in the USA, on July 4, 2010, wrote: I enthusiastically accept my scroll in the PNASI. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. Any film made of her life should include all the women's stories insofar as it is possible. Michael Scully Email: mscully@nyc.rr.com _____________________________________________________________________________ Comment from PNASI Web Admin: If any supporter of Noor Inayat Khan would like to receive a personalized scroll, like the one mentioned above by Mr. Scully. just send an email to: internetaction@yahoo.com with "Noor Scroll" in the subject line, and we will send one off for tou. If would would like to view a sample of this scroll, simply copy and paste the following URL into your browser's location box: http://www.cdcinsurance.ca/images/pnasijohndoescroll.jpg _____________________________________________________________________________ MEHMOOD HUSSAIN from C22,OWNHOMES, F.B.AREA,KARACHI-75950-PAKISTAN, on May 15, 2010, wrote: INNOCENT GIRL NOORUNISA CREATED A HISTORY OF BRAVERY & COUREGEOUS, NOT SURRENDERED EVEN WORST CONDITIONS OF LIFE, ALONE CONFINEMENT IN REMOTE LOCATION, PERSONAL HUMILATION, BEATING BY GESTAPO AGENTS, I SALUTE TO HER BRAVE CHARACTER, I PRAY TO MY LORD (ALLAH) MAY REST HER SOUL IN PEACE (AMEEN) WITH ALL MY SORROWS AND GRIEFS, MEHMOOD HUSSAIN, EMAIL: mehmoodfaiz@yahoo.com ============================================= naim mogul from U.K., on April 2, 2010, wrote: A very inspiring and courageous woman. Email: mogulnaim@hotmail.com ============================================= Kenneth HESELWOOD of Belgium on December 27, 2009, wrote: A heroine. Love the book SPY PRINCESS. Email: kenneth.heselwood@skynet.be ============================================= Bharat S from London, England, on Dec 12, 2009 wrote: Dear all and especially to those who have been asking for a Noor Khan film - I am writing one at this moment - NOT based on the "Spy Princess" novel but through my own research in the UK's National Archives and other sources. To me Noor was a modern day Jean of Arc (funnily enough one of her childhood audiences). Like the story of T E Lawrence - Noor's is intimate story of one woman against the epic canvass of World War 2 - with digital technology and effects plus advances in how to treat old war footage - expect a film in the which the world will fall in love with Noor in the first half of the film and then be devastated in the second half of the film... as we go into what Conrad calls "The Heart of Darkness" of Nazi Germany. My thanks to all those who have posted on this site... and I welcome any and all inquiries. regards Bharat S Email: info@theagnigroup.com ============================================= Bernard O'Connor near Cambridge, UK. on Nov 20, 2009 wrote: Fascinating website. Congratulations. It ensured the memory of Noor and other SOE agents will continue. I've read all her biographies and only just learned that she was at 'Chalfont St Giles' under Colonel Spooner. Here's a question for you. Was it 'Roundwood House'? My interest comes from researching RAF Tempsford, from where most of the agents were flown out of during the war. She's one of the more than 50 women I feature in 'The Women of RAF Tempsford. www.bernardoconnor.org.uk EMAIL: fquirk202@aol.com Response from PNASI Web Admin: On Page 133 of Jean Overton Fuller's book, it is mentioned: "Noor had gone to *Chorleywood, in Hertfordhsire, where agents standing by for infiltration stayed together in a large country house." *Note: So known from its nearest railway statuion, this was one of Colonel Spooner's schools. The actual location was Chalfont St. Giles, Buckinhamshire. Infortunately, Miss Fuller does not identify the actual house in her book. I wish I could be of more help. ============================================= Stu Steel of Manchester, England on Oct 26, 2008 wrote: hello, please can you help. I recently visited Dachau concentration camp and was shocked and deeply moved by the experience. I had read about Princess Noor before going there and wanted to pay respect to her and all the brave people that lost their lives in such an horrific way. In the Dachau crematorium there is a plaque suggesting she was hanged with two others in front of the furnaces. Please can somone give me some definitive information regarding this. Thank you in advance and may the memory of Noor-un-Nisa Inayat Khan live on. Email: stuartsteel@talktalk.net Response from PNASI Web Admin: Thanks for signing our guestbook. According to the citation of the Central Chancery Of The Orders Of Knighthood, published in London on April 5th, 1949, the following is quoted: "She was taken with three others to Dachau Camp on September 12th, 1944. On arrival she was taken to the crematorium and shot." ============================================= tipu's tiger of Birmingham UK, wrote on Feb 14, 2007: amazing!! god bless her!!! ============================================= Max Jamison of Pacific Northwest, USA, wrote on Nov. 18th, 2007: I have been interested in "Madeleine" for many years. I just want to thank you for your efforts. Her story needs to be told. Courage is insufficient in describing her efforts. Email: maxjamison@yahoo.ie ============================================= Raymond DELAVIGNE of France wrote on October 3rd, 2007: I am writing a book about the history of my birthplace at Villeveque N-E of Angers in the Loir valley (not to be confused with the bigger river Loire). I remember seeing tyre traces in the grass on a large common meadow when I was 6 year old, called "Les Grands-Bas", part of the local Villeveque community. I have found out that this was the exact place where princess Noor landed in front of the village of Vieux-Briollay on the left river bank and not on the sloping right side of it as Jean Overton Fuller wrongly wrote. So i'm trying to convince the local authorities to have something made to honor this admirable princess but still unknown in the area. So I suggest that the movie makers should have to go there on this site. Email: raymond@delavigne.com ============================================= Anthony Madison from Australia now, formerly England, on August 18th, 2007 wrote: I recently watched a TV documentary about this extraordinarily heroine who it seems was able to be calculatingly avante-garde in her methodology to evade capture from the Germans for quite some time. I confess to being reduced to tearful trembling by her fate. I was but a 2yr old babe in the UK while Noor was doing what she did as much for me as for any other Englishman. Her memory is etched in my heart for ever. Rest in Peace Noor and thank you. Email: anthony-madison@excite.com ============================================= Haste on July 23rd, 2007 wrote: I loved this book, Princess Noor shall hold my heart with her beauty as well as her soul, for all eternity. Website: www.runekeep.net ============================================= Bikki on June 10, 2007 wrote: Cool! Email: bikki@hotmail.com ============================================= sulayman (UK) on June 10th, 2007 wrote: speechless to be honest! what a saint!the way she has defended and her bravery is unimaginable. in patience and strengh, and strong faith she fought the rights of mankind what a tigeres princess and a great great decendent of our beloved tippoo sultan!god bless her! it takes one able pen to write about this great humble woman. ============================================= Hajah [England] wrote on May 26, 2007: I have just watched the time team film on Princess Noor. i was very moved by the story and details of her life of such great humility & service. She comes from an extrordinary family who have brought great gifts to the life of many Europeans and Americans. She died saying Freedom.. surely a very great Saint. Email: hajahtetley@hotmail.com ============================================ Michelle Singh wrote on May 21 - 07: Congrats on the site. I loved "Spy Princess". Looking forward to the movie. EmaiL: MichelleSingh@hotmail.com Website: www.costumesplus.info ============================================ Derek {UK} Wrote on March 6, 2007: "A really enjoyable read". Website: World War Pictures - www.world-war-pictures.com Description: Photographs, Posters of the World Wars. ============================================ t.tabbaa of bangladesh/jordan on January 20, 2007 wrote: i read the book spy princess and would like to contact the author for this brilliant book pls send me her contact address thanks ============================================ Response from Web Admin: Try this one: shrabani@abplondon.demon.co.uk ============================================ Qamar ul nissa of USA Philadelphia PA living in Silver Spring Maryland, on December 25, 2006 wrote: I met one of Pir Inayat's relatives in 1971 and was initiated into the sufi order. I now understand the sadness in Murshid's songs, even though her father had already trancended before her death. Murshid Fazal Inayat Khan was my teacher and he has crossed over also. All this time I never knew of the heroic life of Pir Inayat's daughter. I am writing on Christmas day in America and send my heart song to all remaining family and friends of Noor Inayat Khan. Blessings from the heart of a Christian lover. May Allah's peace be with you. Our heroic sister who forsaketh all for Liberté. May she not have died in vain. We need her vibration now! EmaiL: Bintacab@aol.com ============================================ Michael Scully of New York City, USA on October 11th, 2006 wrote: "liberte'" Email: mscully@nyc.rr.com ============================================ ANON from England on Septemeber 13th, 2006 wrote: Noor-un-nisa Inayat Khan wait, Before you decide to reincarnate With your gentle, sweet nature and devotion to duty This terrible world is too harsh for your beauty By glorious flowers, with sunlight and song In the garden of heaven is where you belong Be safe and content there while down here we pray And if God keeps his promise we will reach you one day. ============================================ sarfaraz akhtar from India on September 5th. 2006 wrote: Was interested in descendants of Tipu Sultan. EmaiL: sarfaraz@eth.net ============================================ Response from PNASI Web Admin: Thank you for signing our guestbook. Please visit our Tipu Sultan Website here: http://www.angelfire.com/co/begumnoor/tipu2.html ============================================ Shamim Sahariar of New Delhi, India on July 31st, 2006 wrote: Just Yesterday I came to know about Noor Inayat Khan,the brave girl, in an article of Sunday special of Ananda Bazar Patrika. Hats off to the great girl.She had proved she had the royal blood of Mysore Tiger-Tipu Sultan Email: s_sahariar@hotmail.com ============================================ Sam on May 20th, 2006 wrote: I wanted to learn about the decendents of Tipu Sultan and I must say I'm very impressed and saddened at the same time. The Princess did exactly what her great ancestor would have wanted her to do. She defended her country till her very last breath. ============================================ Mel Labon Ryan from West Sussex. UK on May 19th, 2006 wrote: I just watched BBC2's Timewatch documentary about Noor Inayat Khan - it really moved me. What a brave woman and what a tragic loss of life. Film have been made for Odette and Violette Szabo, I think it's about time this courageous woman and her sacrifice was remembered in this way. At the very least this sort of history should be taught in schools. It's even more important, when you get silly people like 'comedian?' Bernard Manning using the BBC to say that no Asian or black people fought against the nazis, and the audience of elderly people start nodding along! The time is right to redress the balance, and not just with documenataries on BBC2. It's an unforgiveable insult to the memory of people like Noor Inayat Khan and the thousands of other men and women of colour who fought in WW2 and gave their lives for our freedom, (I learnt this from another BBC2 documentary). Come on someone out there - let's not bury history because of people's skin colour. Let's celebrate and remember these people! ============================================ Judith Bickle from Cornwall, UK on March 25th, 2006 wrote: My mother and Princess Noor became friends during the short time they were posted together in the W.A.A.F. One of my mother's memories of her was of how desperate she was to go back to France. Noor gave to my mother a copy of her book 'The Jataka Tales' personally signed by her. I now have this book, which I greatly treasure, and will pass on through the family in due course. My mother also kept all the cuttings from newspapers and magazines about her. I have followed all the subsequent writings about her life with great interest. ============================================ A. Montgomery Brook from Southern California USA on December 5th, 2005 wrote: Have heard of the Princess re: SOE activities since I was a child and of course in the books regarding SOE/OSS euro ops published since the early '70's. Also, through several Sufi centers in LA. What incredible courage, bravery, serenity!! Her life was an example to all. Email: aembone@yahoo.com ============================================ Michael Ruddock from Teignmouth devon UK on Decemeber 2nd, 2005 wrote: I have read various pieces of information about Princess Noor since around 1960 and was always greatly impressed with her courage I have read most of the books on SOE that have been published. Jean Overton Fuller started me off but the latest book by Sarah Helms is a Masterpiece. Thank You Sarah Helms. Never was the saying LIONS LED BY DONKEYS more appropiate than SOE it was thanks to the heroism and suffering od the agents esp Noor Inyat Khan and her comrades. THANK YOU. Email: tweedie123@tiscali.co.uk ============================================ Greg from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada on Novemeber 11th, 2005 wrote: Seeking information: location of the grave of Noor Inayat Khan. Email: gscott1500@msn.com ============================================ Response from PNASI Web Admin: Noor Inayat Knan is commemorated on the Royal Air Force's Runnymede Memorial in Surrey, for those RAF personnel with no known grave. ============================================ Thomas Bridges from Now New Jersey, born in upstate New York on April 5th, 2005 wrote: I first read about Princess Noor in a book about the undercover was in Europe, 1939-1945. Her stirring story was related at length. I read the book a long time ago and can't remember much detail. But I remember Princess Noor. How could anyone forget? Email: pattygb@princeton.edu ============================================ David Nicolson Freidberg from USA, but have lived in Thailand for 10 years, on December 1st, 2004 wrote: I first learned of Noor Inayat Khan in 1971, when staying at Pir Vilayat Khan's home in Suresnes, France. Her brother told us moving stories of her life and her death. Tonight I was reading a book by John Keegan, titled "Intellegence in War," that briefly mentioned Noor. I wanted to read more about her and found my way to your website. May the light of Nor continue to shine as a beacon in these dark times. Email: dnf@loxinfo.co.th ============================================ Alessandra from Rome, Italy on November 3rd, 2004 wrote: Ho trovato questo libro su una bancarella...mi ha intrigato immediatamente il titolo...avevo gia letto libri del genere come "Le gazze ladre" di Ken Follett e adoro libri che ritraggono donne valorose e coraggiose pronte a morire x un nobile ideale..Non sapevo nemmeno l'esistenza della principessa Noor fino ad ora..Che possa riposare in pace..Da parte mia farò il possibile xchè la gente venga a conoscenza di questa eroina ed io vi assicuro non la dimenticherò mai! Sorry but it would have been hard for me to express everything I wanted to in english... Un bacio ALE Note: Follows is a machine translation, provided by PNASI Web Admin: I have found this book on a stall... the title intrigued me immediately. I had read books of the sort as "the Magpie Theives" of Ken Follett, and I adore books about valorous women who are willing to die for a noble ideal. I didn't know about the existence of princess Noor until now..May she rest in peace..I thank you for helping to bring knowledge of this heroine to me! Sorry but it would have been hard for me to express everything I wanted to in english... a kiss - WINGS ============================================ Max from England on September 16th, 2004 wrote: I was reading a book 'Between Silk and Cyanide' By Leo Marks, I had got to a part of the book about a young woman I had never heard of before called Noor Inayat Kahn and her life in the SOE, this oddly was on the 14th September. She sounded a fascinating and courageous person and I wanted to know more about her. I looked her up on the Net and discovered that it was the anniversary of her passing at the hands of the then enemy. Life and death are powerful things and maybe there is more to life than what we see. The Monkeys are still crossing the bridge. R.I.P. ============================================ April C. Singleton from Charlotte, NC, USA on Septemebr 13th, 2004 wrote: There isn't much to say but thank you, you've made a difference believe it or not now woman can fight just like you did. Thanks you make my career possible. Email: Singleton0527@yahoo.com ============================================ PLEASE NOTE: If you wish to place a personal message on our guestbook, simply Copy & Paste the following URL in your Browser's Location Box, and then Press the "POST" button on the Guestbook page: http://pub50.bravenet.com/guestbook/4234244366/ _____________________________________________________________________________