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The Pinky Page!

Tis me!
My Other Pages

I never get to have real pets, so these will do
A couple words to my friends
Quotes to ponder... or not
Just plain links

Hey everyone, welcome to place in Cyberspace! The name is Becca, and I am a 17 year old SENIOR at Widefield High School!I'm part of a group dubbed "The Scooby Gang" in which my nickname is Cordy.... =) She's cool! hehe... ummm I have AIM if you wanna talk to me, my SN is Adidagrl3. Gosh, I used to be a major on-line junkie. My life was the internet. But now I got a real life, just like everyone I used to talk to, so I get on-line when I'm really bored, and have nothing better to do at midnight.... usually I fill out surveys... Yay! What else? In 2 years, my happy butt will be in New York living with my buddy Erik who I've known for 3 years... and I luvs him to death! I'll probably get into journalism or photography, since both are my passion. I'll be writing editorials or commentary... and all my wee folk friends who'll still be in CO, will have to special subscribe to the paper I write in (That means you too, Jessi!) I'm a non-smoking, non-drinking teenager who likes to have fun living life. I work at Ross! Oh yeah! I love my job! I can ramble forever like this but I think I'll stop, okay... Well have fun doing whatever you're soing right now.
General facts about Becca (well duh!)

Born: Seoul, South Korea

Birthday: July 20th, 1983

Height: 5'7" I shrunk!

Nationality: Asian/American (although I look Hispanic, I'm not)

Fav Food: Ice Cream is my world!

Fav Song: Take A Bow

Fav color: Pink

Hobby: I don't have one anymore... I work

Stereotype: ditz/prep

Collections: I'm a complete packrat!!

Well, I hope you had fun doing whatever it was you were doing! And since I'm not making money off this page. Go do something more exciting, or interesting, or constructive! Don't let yourself waste away in front of the computer screen! Actually you're probably not wasting away, you probably have something to eat, or some water to drink if you're anything like me... But like I was saying. Sometime, not now, but later you're gonna think you wasted like 2 minutes of your time being on-line just looking at some dumb girl's web-page. And you'll think "You know, I could've been doing something better like playing basketball, or tanning, or trying to get those hubcaps off that old lady's car! Yeah, I should've been practicing for that... then I wouldn't be in jail right now" Just kidding! I'm a lot nicer than this I swear! Well anyway, thanks for stopping by! I luvs ya for doing it! Have fun!
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