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SC Fanfic: The best on the web!

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You have arrived at another cyber galaxy. On this site lies a collection of fan fiction written by dedicated fans. The FanFic Hall of Fame also lies on this site. Please read through the stories and let the authors know what you think of their stories!

This site is now closed.
Due to extenuating circumstances, I am no longer able to update this page. I apologize. If anyone would like to take over, please, e-mail me. I just do not have the time to update anymore: after all I am a college student. Thank you for being supportive of this page while it lasted. I am keeping up the old parts of the site, to let you at least read the cool stories. Thanks!

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Please come back soon! As promised, I will update it soon!;)

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image: Robert Rhodes (

Proud member of A New Earth Club.

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