Tiffany's Celebrities And More!
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Hello! Welcome to my homepage! As you know, my name is Tiffany. I live in a small town called Delavan in southeastern Wisconsin. I made this webpage a long time ago and at first I thought I'd just dedicate it to celebrities. But, my interests have changed and there is much more than celebrities! I have links to my friend's webpages, search engines, and other just plain cool sites. I have also added a Beatles page because I LOVE THEM!!! They are my favorite band and always will be! Well, that's about it for now. Enjoy my page and keep coming back because I update it every week! Goodbye and take care!:) Oh, thanks to Kitiaria for making my logo and banner!


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Each Celebrity Page Contains:

My Favorite Celebrities

Chris O'Donnell
Sandra Bullock
Matthew McConaughey
Gillian Anderson
David Duchovny
Liv Tyler
Neve Campbell
Celebrity Photo Gallery

Email: Sandra Bullock Liv Tyler David Duchovny Matthew McConaughey Gillian Anderson Chris O'Donnell Neve Campbell Mail Me!