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You Tube Video: The Verichip Implant

You Tube Video: More on The Verichip Implant

Ministries We Highly Recommend
Click Here for Zola Levitt Ministries

Click on the above graphic to view Additional Readings. These additional links may be helpful, but we felt they may be a little too radical to be included along with the links on this page. Above all, the Dangerous Deceptions website strives to be as accurate, and Bible based as possible.

Link to Dangerous Deceptions Post Trib Evidence

Say No To Microchip, Don't Become A Zombie - Celebrity bloopers here

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"When Daniel Hickey's doctor suggested he have a microchip implanted under his skin to provide instant access to his computerized medical record, the 77-year-old retired naval officer immediately agreed..." Read More

By Rob Stein, Washington Post Staff Writer, Wednesday, March 15, 2006 Page A01

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"WASHINGTON - A microchip company with powerful political connections is lobbying the Pentagon for the right to implant chips under the skins of the nearly 1.4 million U.S. military personnel..." Read More

Aug 21, 2006 5:00 AM by David Francis and Bill Myers, The Examiner

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"The majority of churches adhear to the doctrine of "Pre-tribulation Rapture." This doctrine teaches that a select few believers in Christ will be taken out of this world alive, before 666 is activated. The doctrine of pre-tribulation rapture is, however, contrary to scripture. The tragedy is that those who believe in pre-trib. either won't recognize 666 when it arrives, or will be completely confounded and physically unprepared for the 42 month period in which 666 is described to last... Read More

Author, webwsite