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You Tube Video: The Verichip Implant

YouTube Simple Explanation of Post Trib Biblical Proofs
Spread and Use of the Verichip

Below you will find links to other websites and the writings of other authors who have embraced Post Tribulation Rapture theology. I highly recommend the information you will find, to better equip you emotionally, spiritually, and even in practical terms to face the Tribulation period so mentioned in the book of Revelation.

Link to End Times Christian Last Trump Page

We at Last Trump Ministries are convinced, after years of study, that the end of this world and the rapture of the saints (the Church) are at the same time. Christ will return for His bride. . . at the last trump . Also see I Thes. 4:16 Matt. 24:21-31.
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How many Christians today are preparing to face martyrdom?

This may sound like a bleak question but if you know that your body is just the shell that the Holy Spirit of God resides in, you can easily answer. . . "I am prepared!" This page will helps those who are preparing for the Great Tribulation. There are many other pages on the Net for those who are just starting their Christian walk, but believe me, the time is short and you must walk fast. The below book not only prepares you to face martyrdom, it walks new-Christians through many of the basic principles of Christ. It also walks everyone around many of the false doctrines in Christian Church groups today. This book is a layman's guide to the End-Times. Our page is designed with links for those who are up-and-running for the End-Times. We will try to add more new-Christian links in the future, as well as a Newletter. (We are non-denominational.)
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More on the Verichip

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