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Tyran Fighting Rules:

Combat Lines:

Visitors: 2 hits (please refrain from killing vistors without provocation as they may soon become your brethren)

Regulars: 3 hits (regulars are those who are recognized as such by the majority of patrons)

Clansmen (any clan recognized by Tyran): 3 hits

Knights (must be recognized by a clan recognized in Tyran): 4 hits

High Council/Elders, Lords, Ladies, and the offspring of Lords and Ladies: 5 hits

Advancing in stature:

Visitors are people new to the game, they are uknown to the majority of players and have no political power. Regulars are those that come to the Tyran rooms on a regular basis (note that this refers to the character name, not the player) and had gained some recognition amongst the players of the game. This may mean the character has done something good or bad, but is recognized as a regular player. A clans man is anyone who has been accepted into one of the acknowledged clans of Tyran. These include zX (Manor), Dk (Dark Kingdom), nL (Night Lords), vT (formerly Vampire Tremere), Di (Dark Immortals) A knight is someone who has been granted this title by one of the above stated clans. No one can be a knight unless deemed so by one of these clans.


After acquiring the correct number of hits needed, there must be a fatal blow, example decapitation and then a request for a confirmation on the kill. For the kills to be legal they must be witnessed by either one DM or at least two knights, or three regulars not of the same clan. Visitors may not confirm kills.

Attacking and Defending:

Attacks are made as follows: The name of the person must be included, also the type of attack (slashes, stabs,cuts) and the part of the body being attacked. The weapon used must be drawn first before it can be used in combat. Example: /me draws his sword. Then the attack may be made with that weapon.All attacks must contain at least 2 words.. Example: /me slashes JohnDoes stomach(NOTE: /me does not count as a word)

At this point JohnDoe may avoid being hit by reacting to the attack with a counter before the reaction line is included.Example: /me dodges left or /me jumps back.

If JohnDoe does not evade successfully he is hit shown in the reaction line. Example: /me watches him bleed.

If both combatants attack at the same time, both take the hit. If the person decides to dodge in between attack and reaction line, then the attack line is negated. Attack and reaction lines MUST come one after the other. It is your decision whether you dodge the attack, or simply counter with one of your own.

This system allows all to fight on even terms and simply involves typing skills and common sense to win.

Offensive Magic:

Magic can be used in combat much the same way as weapons. Example: /me casts a fireball spell at JohnDoe.

Now JohnDoe can avoid the attack by dodging like this: /me dodges fireball

Or the result of the spell may be like this: /me watches him catch fire

Defensive Magic:

Magic can also be used as a defensive spell. Example /me disappears or /me vanishes.

The vanishing rules are as follows. It is based on rank in order to determine the duration on the spell.

Visitors: can not use the vanishing spell in combat

Regulars: can vanish once for twenty seconds one time

Clansmen: can vanish once for twenty seconds one time

Knights: can vanish for one minute one time

High Council: can vanish for one minute two times

Clan Leaders and their offspring: can vanish for one minute one times


DM’s are the one’s that enforce the rules in Tyran. They are the final word in the judging of all fights. If there is a DM online they must be the one to judge the fight. If none of these people are online you must have at least two Knights or three regular players or clansmen to confirm the kill. Kills must be posted by the winner on the Tyrans page.

There are basic ground rules in fighting you should remember:

1. Actions in combat must be actions. This simply means use /me to start the action.

2. No pop-ups, pasting or any other irc capabilities when fighting. Every action is done by typing.

3. No typos in attack, defense or reaction lines. Typos negate the action completely

4. Name the opponents in every attack. If the names are not included the attack line does not count.

5. No talking while watching a fight, please be courteous to the combatants and remain quiet until the battle is over.

6. The DM’s will type in caps, they will call the hits and misses, and the typos as they occur. This allows the fighters to realize how many hits are on each fighter.

7. The actions you do must relate to the fight. Same with the reactions. If you get tripped your character must stand up in order to attack depending on the weapon you are using.

8. Please take into account the weapon used by the fighters in relation to the environment. If someone leaps to the rafters from the ground, the opponent must have either a long range attack ready or follow the person to the rafters attack them.

9. Keep in mind that no one is truly immortal in Tyran and even the most powerful characters can be killed.

10. The environment is also a factor. The arena is a straight-forward environment for fighting. There are no objects in the room to hide behind or use as a weapon. Other rooms may have a bar, tables, chairs, and a variety of other objects that could come into play in a fight

11. Fights between those that hold the rank of Knight or higher should on sheer principle by fought in the #arena or other designated room. The death of a Lord or Lady MUST be confirmed by a DM because they are vital to the campaign. The death of Lords or Ladies may result in clan wars.

12. If your character is confirmed dead, the nickname will be posted in the Tyrans page to be put on the ignore list.

13. There are no instant kills in Tyran. You must complete the required number of hits before asking for confirmation.

FAQ’s about the Fighting Rules

FAQ’s about the Fighting Rules

Q. Do I have to name the weapon I use in every attack?

A. No, you do have to tell what weapon you are using though. For example at the start of the fight type /me draws his sword. This is the weapon you are using at the time. If you wish to switch weapons you must type /me sheathes his sword then you may draw another weapon

Q. Do I have to name the person in the attack line and the reaction line?

A. You MUST name the person you are attacking in the attack line example /me slashes George in the chest then in the reaction line you may type /me watches him bleed

Q. How do I dodge?

A. The type of dodge used depends on the type of attack. If the person is attacking high, you must do an action that would take you out of harms way, like ducking. If the attack is low, then jumping would make sense to avoid the attack. Please do not continually type dodges as this is unrealistic. Dodging is the act of moving a body part out of harms way. You may save the part being attacked, but get hit somewhere else. Please use evasive moves that relate to the attack to avoid confusion.

Q. Do I have to fight in arena?

A. For now we would appreciate it if you would take fights to the arena. However, if the room is a designated fighting room the kills can be made legally. The only rooms that are designated for fighting at this time are #Arena #Vamppub #Dethstryk and or rooms specified by Clan leader

Q. Do I have to use the full name?

A. NO definitely not. The name you use will be decided at the start of the fight and the names used will be of approximately equal length. Example Fred vs. Dethstryk_G6. Fred would type Deth when he attacked while Dethstryk_G6 would type Fred. This leaves everyone on equal terms in regard to name length and allows those with short names to compete actively with those with long names

Q. How do I get more attack lines?

A. At the creation of your character, you have two combat lines. This can be raised to three by one of two ways. The first is to simply play the character until everyone knows who you are. As you meet more people you will be more widely known. After a while your character will be considered a regular and will be expected to behave as such. That means staying in character while in the room, and learning about the clans and the rules of the game. The other way is to be inducted into a clan. Since clansmen automatically have three hits this is the most widely used method. Clans offer you safety of numbers, a family you can depend on to help you and a chance to become a knight( I’ll get to that ). However as a member of a clan, you must be prepared to fight, kill, of die for the clan or it’s members. Those of you that prefer to be loners, self-reliant characters will probably wish to remain free of a clan. Knights get four hits. These are the warriors of the clans. The ones that do the majority of the fighting. They are expected to behave in a manner that will bring respect to the clan. They are generally seasoned veterans of the arena and can kill most regulars. Knights are always in a clan. They are granted their title by either a Lord, Lady, or a vote by the high council of that clan. High council, Lords and Ladies have five combat lines due to their importance in the game. They are the people that make the decisions regarding clan business, rules and other important game decisions.

Q. What happens if I die?

If your character is killed in combat and the kill is confirmed and deemed legal your character is dead. The name of the character is put on ignore and the character ceases to exist in relation to the campaign. You can however make another name and continue to play. That name however starts off as a new character. That means two lines and no political power. Remember there are designated rooms for fighting and if the kill is not made in one of these rooms it can be revoked

Q. How do I join a clan?

A. You can join a clan by talking to one of the members of that clan and getting to know them. The member of the clan may then go to a higher up and talk to them about inducting you. Although the procedure for bringing people into a clan is different for each, most follow these guidelines: No recruiting from other clans, the high council, or Lord and Lady must be informed, and no one can be in two clans at one time.

Any other questions please send to and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you.
