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Movie Continuum

"Roll 'em!" Welcome to the Movie Continuum. The Transformers Movie came out in 1986. It was filled with talent as Leonard Nimoy was the voice of Galvatron, Orson Welles played Unicron, and Robert Stack was the heroic Ultra Magnus. The movie jump-started the careers of new Autobots and Decepticons. New faces such as Hot Rod, Kup, and Blurr appeared on the Autobot side. While Galvatron, Cyclonus, and Scourge reared their ugly heads for the Decepticon forces. Also involved in the movie were the Junkions, a race of television obsessed transforming motorcycles; and the "living planet" Unicron. This also marked the first use of swear words in Transformer history, where human companion Spike said "Oh Shxt!" Frustrated with the Autobot Matrix of Leadership, Ultra Mangus says "Dammit." Yes, a Transformers first. I'd like to point out the fact that a lot of the new Transformers introduced in the movie developed "Facial Hair." Wreck-Gar, one of the Junkions, had a cool mustache. Scourge developed some sort of a goatee-type beard. Strange, but true. I wonder what possessed the TF: Movie creators to put "Facial Hair" on robots??? Makes you think.

This is the movie poster that came out in the States.
This poster came out in Japan, notice the rough Anime-style.

Movie Screen Captures 1

Movie Screen Captures 2

Movie Screen Captures 3

Movie Screen Captures 4

Movie Screen Captures 5

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