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Saige's Page

WHEW... I don't know WHAT happened but somehow my page committed suicide... Anyways I'm working on it, trying to get it up and running again. I only lost my main page so basically all I have to do is connect my pages again. Please be patient with me, if you're on this page you must know me and if you know me you know how well I can handle STRESS... ha ha ha ha... so yeah, hang in there... Love y'all!!

Check out my best friend and boyfriend, BRYAN!!
DAMN is he hot or WHAT??
This was taken at one of the VBHWF's PPV events,

This is to you, Ty, I finally spiced up the ol' page. Now stop going off or I'll Ike ya... Check out these new pictures!

Here's a little more about me...

Check out the Bios, Pics and soon to be Video clips of the VBHWF!!!
Also check out my quick survey on your favourite VBHWF wrestler!! Either the Hardcore Slute has FANS (doubtful) or he took it upon himself to repeatedly increase his chances!!

Click to see our McDonald's trip to Paramount Canada's Wonderland! TONS of pics!

All right, anyone who knows ANYTHING about me knows about my 'sickening obsession' with The Simpsons... It comes from 4 years of shifts at McDonald's where the only thing keeping us within the edge of sanity is reciting endless quotes from our favourite TV series... Ah well, it makes the time fly! I guess there may be one or two episodes I haven't seen yet, but I seriously doubt it.
Click on Santa's Little Helper!!
I have way more pictures that just need to be uploaded... this page is under some serious construction! Still, I have some good ones, so if you like the Simpsons, step on in!

Click on Amy to see my page about my sister!

Well, that's as much as I'm going to do for now, this should be enough to get my page running again. If you feel the need to email me, feel free to, at, and I'm on ICQ too... My UIN # is 2662943... Hope to see everyone soon!!

Sign my Guest Book!!!

These are the only places I ever go on here

BEST Canadian site for sports!!
A good friend of mine, check out his site!
A friend of mine from work, Tyler's Page! If you like WWF, check it out for SURE!