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These two dolphins are dedicated to my dear friend Heli (who by the way loves dolphins) for her kindness and help when ever I need it. For all her useful and uncomplicated (yeah right) advices… well, about everything… among other things about computers, sport and art. Thanks for being there, you’re definitely the best person to go snowboarding (don’t worry, I won’t quit it no matter what the doctors say), rollerblading and jogging with not forgetting all the fun we always have with drawing and art (well, some might not call it all art…) and especially not forgetting all the fun and joy we have every time we (with our other friends) celebrate something (although we don’t always remember what we were celebrating about…). Merci !!!

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Helifriends Johannafriends Liisafriends Hannafriends Noora

Then, not in any kind of order (so don't fight about it) thanks first to

Johanna also for your kindness and help (well, I guess you haven’t helped me more than I have you… just kidding!) and for being there.You really are cute when you mope and say you’ll never forgive us (don’t be offended, we still love you). Thanks for keeping our feet on the ground though we’d like you also to fly sometime…

Liisa for explaning me all the compilcated things (after Heli has failed in it) and making me even more confused (yeah, you manage to do it every time). For making up your little theories about things you don’t understand and for being our own Ally McBeal (she really looks like her). Not forgetting the way you drive us crazy with always complaning about every little mistake in your perfect appearance.

Hanna for making me always confused about her theories about… everything and always inventing new things, very useful and sometimes very very unuseful. And for the best tips to make your hair (though they always doesn’t work) and for always finding out the most complicated way of doing things. Not forgetting the way your cheer us up with your endless Girl Power.

And finally I have to say that… "God help the mister that comes between me and my sisters!"

Yours forever, Noora
