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Welcome to LeeboMan's Simpsons Site!

Welcome To LeeboMan's New Simpsons Site!!

Welcome to LeeboMan's New Simpsons Site! At my site, you can download anything you want! Sounds, movies, pics, the whole deal! If there is an item of multimedia you want that's not on my page, email me and I'll try to find it for you! So sit back, relax, grab a fist-full of Spam, and have fun!! Now I am just starting, so take it easy on me, k?

Let's start with wavs.

1.) Chief Wiggum: A call to 912?
2.) Apu: Impulse Items
3.) Bart: Aye Carumba!
4.) Homer:Look at that Blubber fly!
5.) Burns: Excellent!
7.) Mr. Burns and Homer engaged in a Lightsaber Duel
8.) Homer/Wiggum: Crooked Cops
9.) Die Hanson!
10.) Homer: The Infamous Line
11.) Flanders
12.) Homer: Simpson, Homer Simpson!
13.) Burns: Victims
14.) Marge: Trademark
15.) Ralph: Me Fail English?
16.) Homer: Hello, Dean?
17.) Ralph: I bent my Wookie!
The thumbnails may be broken, but the picture is stil there!

Click on the Link to Email Me.
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