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Welcome To LeeboMan's New Star Wars Site!!
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Hello people. Please click on my new sponser at the top of my page and sign up for the free newsletter. Everyone who does, email me proof (Confirmation mail), and I will send you some multimedia thats not already on my page. Click on the logo to order the Star Wars Trilogy Special Edition or any Star Wars Film (almost) at 15% off! WOW! These prices are discounted! You are the th person to visit my site ( LE FastCounter). At my site, you can download anything you want! Sounds, movies, pics, the whole deal! If there is an item of multimedia you want that's not on my page, email me and I'll try to find it for you! So sit back, relax, grab a fist-full of Spam, and have fun!! Oh yeah, and be sure to vote in my new monthly polls!

The results are in! With 14 votes each, the question, "who would win in a fist-fight ends in a tie! Thank you people, and vote in the poll!
LeeboMan's Star Wars Poll
Who is your favorite Bounty Hunter?

Boba Fett

Current Results
My Star Wars Sounds
My New Star Wars Chat Room/Message Board
My Star Wars Pictures
My Star Wars Movies
My Simpsons Page

Check out these awards my page has won!!

Click on the Link to Email Me.

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LeeboMan .

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