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May/June 1998

  A Word From the Editor
  Poet's Corner
  Opening Thought
  Interview with Ladyrain
  Interview with Kerstin
  Eyes on Jesus
  Stand Firm
  What About Revival?
  Conspiracy Theories With Third Day
  The Judgment Seat of Christ
  Build Your Faith
  Jerry--God's Spokeman
  Message for Youth Pastors and Leaders
  A Letter from a Special Friend
  KTCB Awards
  Becca Jackson

(more will be added)
 Free Gift! 
 POG Weekend 
 POG Chat 
 Sign the guestbook! 
A Word From The Editor

A Word from the Editor

"The Lord reigns" Psalm 97:1

Twila Paris sang 'God is in Control' on her 'Beyond A Dream' album released a few years ago, and I have been struck afresh by that truth as I've been reading through the Psalms in my daily Bible reading. It is very easy for us to believe that He is in control when it comes to the big things that happen in the world around us. Our biggest difficulty comes when we are asked to apply the truth of God's sovereignty to our personal lives.

A preacher once said, "We believe in the sovereignty of God but often live as if He doesn't exist." How true this statement is! When giving consideration to God's plan for our lives, how many of us seek to take control rather than let God have His way! Many of us will testify that Proverbs 3:5-6 are favourite verses, yet if we are honest we would have to confess that we trust more in our own judgements than we do in His.

We need to return to a correct perspective in life, and that is having the Lord at the heart and centre of our lives. Whether we eat, sleep or drink, we are to do it for the glory of God. Every aspect, both big and small, falls under His domain, and the sooner we realise this, the better for us.

Here at KTCB, our desire is to have Him as Lord over all that we do and say. The contents of this latest issue we trust will confirm afresh to you His Lordship. May the Lord bless it to you.

We are always happy to receive words of encouragement from our readers and are grateful to the Lord for using KTCB to bless His people. If we can be of further service to you in your walk with God, please do not hesitate to contact us at Any questions you have we shall do our best to answer or point you to one who knows.

Please feel free to sign our guestbook. It is a joy to hear how many folks are reading the magazine.




One of saddest things I have discovered as I have walked with God and attended His house is that Pastors are afraid to deal with the issue of Sexual Purity until it is too late. Not wishing to offend anyone they avoid mentioning that 'S' word and thus leave their young people at the disposal of the world to learn all about sex. The silence of Pastors has meant that young people are learning that sex outside marriage is okay, and that casual sex is alright as long as you use a condom, and that the more sexual partners you have the better experienced you will be by the time you come to get married.
If you think I am being an alarmist then I urge you to take a look at the movies, magazines, TV shows and music that you are into. The concept of love presented by the world is so alien to that which God speaks about in His Word and in fact all that love means to the world is 'let's have sex'. No commitment is necessary in the world to be 'in love'. Again how vastly different from the Biblical concept of relationships!

 Sexual purity is not an optional extra for the Christian. It is the inevitable outcome of a life that is committed to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. It is a wholeheardted desire to do that which is pleasing in the sight of God. So when we are challenged in the word to FLEE Sexual immorality we need like Joseph to get our spiritual Nike's on and run as fast as we can away from it.

 The devil of course wants you to indulge in sexual activity before you are married. Asfter all, everyone is doing it! He knows that if he gets you to fall in this area then he has got you in a position where he can destroy you. What better way to destroy you than wrecking your testimony! If he can catch you here then your life in the eyes of the world is worth nothing.

 In saying that, if you have run headlong into a position where you have compromised your sexual purity it does not mean that in the eyes of a loving Heavenly Father there is no hope for you. He comes and and speaks to you and lets you know that the way to forgiveness is still the same : Confess your sins, repent of your sins, forsake your sins and receive the forgiveness and cleansing through the blood of Jesus Christ.

 A number of Christian artists have written songs that speak of the need of Sexual Purity and we applaud them for their stand and their outspokenness. If only the Pastor's of our Churches would be a bold! I trust that we will not only applaud the likes of Point of Grace, Al Denson, Becca Jackson etc but that we will, in the words of Al Denson's song 'Pledge To Purity' pray:

"I pledge my life to do what's right
 This is my sole security
 Here in my heart both day and night
 I'll make a pledge to purity."


The Point of Grace Chat Room gets many visitors from different parts of the world and one person we love getting the opportunity to chat to is a sister in Christ who many of us know as Ladyrain. We felt that it would be a great opportunity to have her share a little about herself and what it means to her to be a Christian.

KTCB: We all know you as Ladyrain, but what is your real name?
Ladyrain: Jen Kira Rivera Alcantara(Ladyrain)
KTCB: How old are you?
LR: Age: 20
KTCB: What is your job in the Philippines?
LR: Working student/newscaster and Disk jockey in an FM station  here in the Philippines.

KTCB: When and how did you become a Christian?
LR:  I was in the fourth grade when I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. I come from a broken home and thought that my life ends there and that there was nowhere to go. I never had peace of mind and thought that I could not go through. During a Christian Emphasis week celebration in our School at the Central Philippine University( a Christian school founded by the Americans), I was able to attend one of the fellowships and I heard about Jesus and His power to change lives
and to forgive. I accepted Him as Lord and Saviour.

KTCB: Are you from a Christian family?
LR:   Yes, I come from a Christian family, but my parents were not really strong Christians and thought they were not for each other after so many years that separation is the only thing they thought was the right decision to make.

KTCB: In the Philippines Christianity is not the most popular religion, so do you find it difficult sharing the Gospel?
LR:   Well, actually, the Philippines is considered as the only Christian Country in Asia and only very few understand what Christianity really means. They always think of Christianity as a religion. Some here say "hey, I am a Christian, because I am not a Muslim". Which is wrong. I admit that sharing the Gospel with others is difficult for me.

KTCB: What are the main barriers in the Philippines for people when it comes to responding to the Gospel?
LR:   I think their religion, because there are so many religions here in the Philippines and I believe this is also the problem of other countries when it comes to responding to the Gospel. people here thought that they knew so much about their religion, which makes them close their hearts, eyes and ears from the True Gospel.

KTCB: You work in Broadcasting, have you found it difficult being a Christian in that world?

LR:  Yes, in broadcasting, it's really difficult to work with non- Christians. You do things differently. They are not like us who fear God and have a personal relationship with Him. only very few broadcasters are Christians. There are even some here who are atheists, and they do not like my program which is the Best of Contemporary Christian Music. They say they find it boring, but I don't believe them. I know they are hungry and thirsty of the Word of God.

KTCB: Tell us a little bit about your church...
LR:  I go to the United Church of Christ in the Philippines(UCCP) and I am a member of our church's Christian Young Adults(CYA). Our church is going and our organization is being blessed by the Lord. We just had our Young Adults District conference but I was not able to attend due to my work. I have missed a lot of conferences, though. But I always pray and try to find a way to attend them.

KTCB: Outside of work and church what do you enjoy doing? Do you have any  hobbies?
LR: Yes, I enjoy watching T.V. and movies and going around the mall and out to eat, but not as much as I enjoy listening to Christian Music or any music as long as the lyrics are understandable to me. I also have a favorite sport which is tennis. I'm still waiting for the day where I can play in a grass court. I love the grass the original tennis surface. I fell in love with tennis when I was in the 3rd grade and my mom encouraged me to play and work hard on it, but we are not that rich to buy a lot of tennis racquets*LOL* I love to write poems and turn them into a song and I sing. I still want to become a professional tennis player if I can't be a professional singer. I will graduate from college in March 1999. So, let's see what the Lord has in Mind.

KTCB: How did you come across the Point Of Grace chat room?
LR:  After writing more than 20 letters to POG, finally, I received a newsletter from the group and learned from there that they have a web site. I went to see the web site and saw something there that says, " more links to POG" and when I clicked it I discovered all the links to POG. That's how I came across the POG chat. And you (Doug) were the first one to say "Hi" to me.
KTCB: What is your favorite thing about the chat room?
LR: My favorite thing about the chat room is making friends.

KTCB: Do you have a short word would you like to share with the readers of the magazine?
LR: Yes. I want everybody in the POG chat to know that I love them one an all and that I am very blessed to have friends like them around, although, I have not met them personally.

KTCB: Are you a Christian music fan?

LR:  Yes. One of my biggest musical influences is Amy Grant. I first listened to her music when I was 4 years old, that was back in 1981. Until now I still love here music. In November 1996 I was also exposed to the music of Point Of Grace and DC talk and other Christian bands. From that time on, point of grace became my most favorite female vocal group, though I'm still waiting for a letter from each one of them(hahaha)*LOL* Take note: I also listen to secular music.

KTCB: What is your favorite verse or passage in the Bible and how has it helped you get closer to God?
LR: Well, honestly after reading one of the stories in the Daily Bread, I have learned to love all of the scriptures in the Bible. I don't know where my sister put it but its says something like this, a message that really hit me and taught my heart to love the scriptures not only because they comfort us, but because these words are our God in daily living. If ever I have a some favorite scriptures it would be James 1:2-4, because it teaches us to rejoice even though we are in the middle of crisis. That our crisis is the instrument that God uses to make us strong. And also Revelation 1:7, it says that God is always associated with clouds. Clouds are our fears and problems. But in the middle or in times like those He is there just waiting for us to call upon Him, because Jesus is everywhere.... God bless you!

God bless you Jen. We appreciate you sharing with us. We are grateful to the Lord for the rich unity we share in Christ with people of every tribe, tongue and nation. We are happy to see that God is at work in countries and lives outside of our wee corner of the world. Your sharing with us Jen has opened our eyes just a wee bit more to what God is doing. Thanks again and give our greetings to the brothers and sisters of your Church.