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Pakistani Child Tells Story of Persecution

April 25, 2001

     Christians in Pakistan face persecution daily. Christian Aid's Mission Insider Report shares the following report of a recent incident:

Zeba, an 11-year-old Pakistani Christian, worked as a servant girl for a wealthy Muslim family. Her family was extremely poor, and with this lowly job she was able to send money home for food. When her employers tried to force her to wed one of their sons, she refused to convert to Islam or to memorize verses from the Koran and simply stated, "I am a Christian."

Her employers beat her, falsely accused her of stealing and had her arrested. Her mother got Zeba released from jail and brought her home. Then the mother went to talk to the Muslim family about the false charges. But she never returned. She had been beaten, doused with gasoline and set ablaze; she died that afternoon in a hospital.

This story is more dramatic than many accounts of persecution in Pakistan, but it is not isolated. Christians are under constant threat, and many have been martyred for their faith in Jesus Christ.

--Used by permission of Religion Today


Christian Charged with Blasphemy in Pakistan

April 23, 2001

      A Christian schoolmaster has been charged with blasphemy against Mohammed, under the infamous Blasphemy Act of Pakistan's penal code, in a rivalry for students between a Christian school and a Muslim school in Pakistan. This law is often used by extremist Muslims in harassing Christians and other non-Muslims.

On April 1, Parvez Masih, a 35-year-old teacher was charged when Mohammad Ibrahim complained to police that he had heard from two students that Masih had uttered blasphemous words against the Prophet Mohammed.

Ibrahim operates a private Muslim high school that he founded about 18 months ago in the same vicinity as Iqbal Memorial High School, the private school that Masih founded and has operated for 15 years. Local sources suggest that Ibrahim has been seeking various means by which to close Masih's school; and officials took the complaint without verifying the facts. Masih is being held in jail.

--Used by permission of Religion Today


Girl Kidnapped in Pakistan and Forced to Convert to Islam

March 22, 2001

    The Voice of the Martyrs, Canada, recently reported some incidents of Christian persecution through its Persecution and Prayer Alert team.
    In Pakistan, Naira Nadia was abducted the night of Feb. 11. She had been sharing her faith with a girl friend at school. The friend's father, along with some armed companions, kidnapped Naira. She was raped and assaulted and the following day was forced to convert to Islam. In Pakistan, according to law, a minor cannot make such a decision. The police were reluctant to accept the kidnapping report; her family is being threatened, and Naira's whereabouts are still unknown.

--Used by permission of Religion Today


Islamic Extremists in Pakistan Cause Increased Violence

February 24, 2001

    According to the Associated Press, the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan has issued a report blaming an increase in violence aimed at religious minorities on Islamic extremists and their advocay of "vicious hatred." According to the report, the military government of Pakistan acts as a "silent spectator" to the rise in religiously motivated killings, which resulted in 40 deaths last year. The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan is an independent agency.


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