Jake's Alley
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This page is dedicated to Jesus Christ, my Master and Savior.

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Quote of the week: "Born once- die twice. Born twice- die once." (Unknown)

Well, I guess you might want to hear something about me, huh? OK. My name is John Colgate. I'm 18 years old, and I live in Colorado. I just graduated from high school. Woo hoo! I really, really, really love God a lot, and I take it as a personal challenge not to compromise any of my morals in this immoral world. :0) I guess I'm a fun guy to be around, but it depends on who you ask. :0) I LOVE kids...and for some reason they have a tendency of alway sitting or hanging on me. :0) Everyone in my entire family is a nutcase. (Including my pets.) We all have a zany sense of humor. I have two older sisters...Angie and Susie. I have a tendency of getting carried away. (Usually by men in white coats.) I LOVE email, so if you have time, I wouldn't mind hearing from you. :0)
Thanx for listening,
P.S. That picture up top is of me "lounging around" in my Sunday best. :0)

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