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The wind was calm and the sun was hot,

On that special day at that special spot.

I looked at you and you looked at me,

We knew right then what was to be.

And if we choose to be together,

I want you to know that it is forever.

I壇 love no other, I壇 be so true,

And when you hurt, I値l comfort you.

I vow to you my only love,

Cause you are all that I think of.

I hope that you can trust me now,

And if you can稚, I値l show you how.

For we just met not long ago,

And I can say I love you so.

And this I mean with all my heart,

And with my love I値l never part.

All that I ask is for a chance,

To give my love and true romance.

So I ask of you a simple plea,

And that is if you値l be with me,

Forever and ever through eternity.

We値l be together, through the years,

And only cry those happy tears.

by Richard Workman

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