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"The word of the day:"

John 15:13-14

"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends. Ye are my friends "

Eat & Act's Home Page

We are dealing with:

  • YCPSF( Yenigat Chorra Philantropic Social Foundation)
  • Home Community Choir
  • Studies
  • Child Care
  • Orphanages

My Other Links

YCPSF-a link between people, feel the pain of the poor and hungry!
The page about Ethiopia, Constructed by E. Alemayehu Tibbo
Free offers??? FF, Meaning For Fun!
Christian Fellowship of Students at Mälardalen hemsida


?Yenigat Chorra? Philanthropic Social Foundation

Who is the founder?

Where is it active?

What is YCPSF?

Do you know about a living christian life?

Do you want to be loved with "agape" love?

Do you want to experience it too?

Are you living in love deficient life?

Do you want to be loved? or do you want to love?

Talk to me!. I will give you guidelines.

IRG(Internationella Referens Gruppen)

IRG Reports about political and ekonomic situation in EAST AFRICA

Your comments will help me to biuld the html in order to answer the questions you may have regarding to the things mentioned above. If you want to know more about the projects mentioned please, send your comments and E-mail to the under mentioned E-mail address. Thank you for visiting my home page.

