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Hi! Well, 2 for 2 ain't bad for me, consider the site back up! Woo hoo! It's official, I'm up again! Ok, where to start? Oh yes, I have been off to a wonderful little world called... Worldsaway! If you have this little program of joy, ESP me! My name is... well, I can't put it on, Sign the Guesty and tell me ur name, I'll get to you. If you don't have it, get it! is it, have fun, it rules! Ok, back to Earth (bound, that is), I am collecting pix, and have tons on my puter now, so they'll be up, I need some more midis and more ENTHUSIASM! Tell your friends! Tell your family, tell your dog! Just GET ME SOME MORE PEOPLE *mwahahahaaa* Ok, I'm done dry now, so I'll update in a tick, won't be long, toodles!

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