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Liverpool Astronomical

Society Sidewalk



Welcome to the Liverpool Astronomical Societies Sidewalk Astronomers.

In 1968 John Dobson helped to start the San Francisco Sidewalk Astronomers. He wanted to show as many people as possible the wonders of the solar system and beyond. Subsequently, groups were established in Los Angeles and other US cities.

Liverpool Sidewalk Astronomers are a group of people, most of whom are members of the Liverpool Astronomical Society, Who are keen to bring Astronomy to as many people as possible in the local area. We use a combination of slide shows, computer displays, (and when the weather is kind to us) portable telescopes which range in size from 4 to 30 inches in aperture.

The below images show 16inch telescopes made by members of the LAS and LASSA (Dave Thomson, Geoff Regan, Dave Owen and Steve King). Both telescope are used at LASSA events. Both instruments perform well with plenty of oohhss and aahhss coming from the eyepiece by visitors to these events. The construction of both of these telescopes can be seen be clicking the link below:-

[Image] [Image]

The images below show the 6 inch f10 rental telescope of the LAS which is available to members of the LAS to rent for £1 a week. It is typical of the telescopes that are used at Sidewalk events. This particular telescope is housed at the Liverpool Astronomical Societies main observatory at PEX HILL near Cronton. Next is Dave owen with his own 6 inch F4 and the LAS's 12 inch Platt telescope at Pex Hill. To the far right is the 30 inch TROK in North Wales.

[Image] [Image] [Image]

[Image] Image left shows the 8.75 inch (Ken Sharples) LASSA telescope with Dave Thomson and Dave Owen. This has had some modifications and works quite well. It is now being used at Wednesday evening sessions at the Pex Hill Observatory for the LAS.

It also is used extensively at LASSA meetings.