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Leslie's Homepage

My Children
These are my two beautiful daughters...ages 22 and 17. These are the two best works of art I'll ever produce! :)
I've also included some of my drawings and paintings. I'm no artist, by a long shot, but I enjoy it as a hobby.
This is a fairly new project I've undertaken. The charcoal/watercolor drawings show some of the feelings of helplessness and despair of an abused woman. The colors surrounding the drawings represent all the colors of a bruise. I myself was abused for years, and now donate these drawings for auctions to help fund abused women's shelters. I was lucky...I had parents to both financially and emotionally support me when I finally decided to get out of my abusive relationship. Not all women are that lucky...the various shelters around the nation are the only hope for these women. Please find it in your heart to give either your time or what money you can spare to an organization to help abused women. Thanks!
Just wanted to share some of the scenery and fun of Colorado with you. The first picture is Hanging Lake, a 1.2 mile hike, accessible only by foot with a climb of 1048 feet. The second picture is a rafting trip I took this past Summer...if you've never done it, do it's great! The third picture is me while fly fishing on the South Platte River while snowing (those waders do NOTHING for your figure!)...well, you have to have wine while you fish!