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Welcome To Lee's NFC East Standings

Opponent:NY Giants


Team W L T PF PA
Dallas 3 1 0 110 62
Washington 3 1   150 118
Giants 2 3 0 71 108
Arizonia 2 3 0 72 105
Philadelphia 1 4   57 96


Cowboy DieHard Host:

Hello Cowboy Diehards!!

Week #6 is now a week away, with Dallas having a huge loss against rival Philadelphia.
Next up is an Away game vs the rival Giants.
The FIVE TIME WORLD CHAMPIONS are back with for week 5, and 2nd Year head coach Chan Gailey and a new outlook on life. While everyone but we the DIEHARDS are writeing them off, I will say it is going to be a banner year:))

So if Dallas can put together the game plan where Tightends and recievers get envolved we will win this game.

So take care my fellow Cowboy DieHards and please hang in there.And in the mean time please stay upto date on all Cowboy Info by visiting my other pages on Lee's Cowboy Tour.

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